Deadcember 2024

Preparing for Deadcember, I picked a pack of undead from the leadpile. Well, half of them are actually living, creating the undead. It is YOD2 Warlock's Retinue from Satyr Art Studio.


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I based the minis on metal bases, ready for priming.

I had a hankering for the old Citadel Skeleton Horde. Must've bought at least three boxes in the day. Anyways up I found these from Warlord (I think, will check). A lot of glooing but good fun!


Great value too - just like the old skellies


I had a hankering for the old Citadel Skeleton Horde. Must've bought at least three boxes in the day. Anyways up I found these from Warlord (I think, will check). A lot of glooing but good fun!
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Great value too - just like the old skellies
aren't they the wargames Atlantic Classic skeleton set? a bit kinda Greco-roman, no farming tools (which is a bit annoying) but a pretty nice match with the old plastic skellies and a good price


mm.. interesting.. apart from the bases, they look just like the wargames atlantic ones.. interesting. look like a slight difference in types of head though..



They are the old Wargames Factory ones, although they did go through a tweak on the ankle design so these are the second iteration of the models - the licence is currently with Warlord Games at present and they are a bit of a bargain, I've about 150 of the fiddly little chaps :)