Dave Andrews Skaven?


Seeing Fimm's latest work on his nice board and commenting on Dave Andrews.. led me to something which has very much confused me.. the 'games workshop wikia' which.. ugh.. hit and miss on it's information.. says this on Dave Andrews:

Another notable achievement in Dave Andrews' career was his involvement in the creation of the Skaven army. The Skaven, a faction of rat-like humanoid creatures, gained popularity among Warhammer players due to their unique and engaging miniatures, many of which were crafted by Andrews himself.

okay.. right.. lets look at this bit..

* before 1985 - No Skaven.
* December 1985 - Third Citadel Compendium - First Skaven as 'Chaos Ratmen (Skaven)'. 10 Models shown. All Jes Goodwin sculpts.
* April 1986 - Third Citadel Journal - Major release of Skaven. Appeared in the Kaleb Darrk Strip, 6 page article by creator Jes Goodwin, appearence in Vengeance of the LicheMaster scenario. Pretty much all main stuff is setup here. New models keep being released for a while. All Jes Goodwin.
* November 1989 - Jes Goodwin and Rick Priestly add some minor added details (Screaming Bell, Clan Mors, Clan Rictus)
* 1991 - Warhammer Armies (3ED) - Sample Skaven Army by Pete Taylor. Dave Andrews credited with shields and Banners art in the book as well as Sample Armies but did not supply the Skaven Army.
* 1993 - By this point, pretty much all Skaven were Jes Goodwin.. Rat Ogres (original) are unknown, the newer less ratty stuff like the Vermin Lord, 4ED Rat Ogres are Michael Perry. Colin Dixon then takes over with doing the sculpting on the range. By 6ED, they seam to prefer to drop any mention of the Sculpture but some are still Colin Dixon for a bit atleast.

so.... I don't know MUCH about Dave Andrews work (apart from him doing alot of scenery work) however.. where did he create the Skaven and sculpt many of the figures? cause.. this is really confusing the hell out of my right now.. and I have no clue why such things bother me but.. oh well.


possible but every thing I know says it was Jes Goodwin even if the line "The Skaven ... Lines on the foul brood of Chaos Ratmen by their creator Jes Goodwin" just refers to the sculpturing.. but he has said in interviews that he did the background and everything with some influence of Rick Priestly, who was very much suggesting ideas and comments on most things at the time anyway.

Side note, interesting how their origins are very tied to the Slann (or atleast, the Original 'Old Slann' of which only their weaker modern versions still exist).. this seams to have been highly downplayed when the Slann were.. mm.. I don't wanna say wiped out but.. they kinda did drop them for some time. Makes sense for the connection as I believe the Slann were also Jes Goodwin, or atleast he did a lot of work on them.


In which publication was that, do you know?

I am also not aware of him sculpting any Skaven minis.
White Dwarf #119 pages 65 - 69. Also a few photo pages in the issue showing off some of the clan colours (like Clan Rictus wear red and Orange, Clan Eshin favour checked) but pointing out yet again, as Skaven take whatever cloth they can get, alot of it isn't always in clan colours.