Dark Angels WIP


I need to paint a second squad of Terminators for Space Hulk and even though they really should be Blood Angels too (at least untill the Death Wing expansion), I have chosen to paint them as Dark Angels. Mostly because it will be easier to identify the two squads when having more than one player on the Terminator side of the game.

My first Space Marine army was an Epic Space Marine Dark Angels army. When I later moved on to 40K I painted a few Dark Angels, but quickly moved over to Blood Angels.

Lately I have been thinking that I don't really want to only have Blood Angels Space Marines and I did paint some World Eaters too. So basically I want to have the larger army of Blood Angels for gaming 2nd edition and other games which recure larger amount of miniatures, but for skirmish and such I will paint up some of the metal Marines in different chapter colours. Either single minis or small units.

These Dark Angels Terminators will fit in nicely with a small side project of Dark Angels Marines. I am painting them black of course.


Test figure WIP.


Hazard stripes and stone Crux Terminatus (of course).


Free hand Dark Angels logo.

I found that the hazard striped power fist was clashing in colours with the red casing on the storm bolter, so I decided to bring on some more colour to the model. So I did the free hand Dark Angels logo, I think it turned out really good.

The red logo with yellow border makes him look really old school in my eyes. To me the red logos/letter with red border is the most Rogue Traderish colour combination possible.

I still think the bolter and power fist is clashing, but it helps. I was thinking of painting checkers on the storm bolter, but for now I leave it like that. I might try it on one of the other Terminators though.

He is WIP of course, so highlights and such will be smoothed out a bit before he is done. But if anyone has any suggestion for bringing the colours a bit more together I am open to suggestions.


Black dark angel terminators - now that's properly old school. The only illustration I can remember of this was the one on the side of the 1st edition box. Mine are painted white - although actual white, not the bone white they used in the studio Deathwing ones. Only the other week I was wondering whether I should have gone for black.


Black or white is the ways to go with Dark Angels terminators.

To me black represent Dark Angels pre Space Hulk Death Wing expansion. The Dark Angels was pretty much pictured in black up untill then.

White terminators would be the right way to go for them after Death Wing expansion. At this point maybe they changed to green Dark Angels too.

Bone coloured Death Wing is wrong and can not really be explained for in Rogue Trader. Also I think green terminators is wrong too, since if you want green Dark Angels it is post Death Wing and terminators should be white.

At least that is how I see it :grin:

I will probably make a squad of white Death Wing terminators later.


Wow, Jonas, this one turned out really nice. The freehand is simply lovely, you are right, the red/yellow combination is defintely a deal. Looking forward to see those checkers on the next one :)


Black dark angels FTW !

With their red and yellow markings they look truely like they should. I love them a lot ! Give us some more now !


Thanks good people.

I will hopefully be painting some more today and have a squad ready before the weekend.
i like that. and the logic about them being black. i don't remember there ever being black DA terminators pictured though - i remember loads of lack DA marines in Rogue trader era. where should i be looking>?


I can't remember any black Dark Angels Terminator miniatures at the moment. But they might be there in some old White Dwarf or such.

I guess the perfect places to look would be White Dwarf publications coming out around the Space Hulk and Terminators boxed sets release and before Space Hulk Deathwing expansion release.

Anyone has pictures, please post, I would love to see some. Also other Space Hulk/Terminator pictures related to 1st edition and Rogue Trader.

I plan to paint up squads in more different chapter colours too. I have enough Terminators, really. So eventually I would want a full set of Blood Angels and squads of 2-4 other chapters.


On the flip side of the coin, I specifically remember a power armored white deathwing marine being featured in white dwarf!


Yes, I think he is in the 2nd edition rulebook too.

Back then it was just 1st company who was Deathwing, they didn't have to wear their Terminator armor. Also I think Terminator armor was made for boarding action mostly and it is just later GW decided to use it more in mass combat too.

It makes sense too, since the Terminator armor is enclosed for space and movement is more limited than in power armor.

In RT days you see lot of marines in power armor wearing terminator honours too, indicating that they are trained in wearing terminator armor, but still wearing their power armor on campaign.-


I like the black, myself. That's the way my friend painted up his in the days before Deathwing. (The only guide was the black one on the terminator box set, or the Dark Angel illustrations in Rogue Trader.) I like 'em. The white ones have always been wrong to me. Also, nicely done. Thank you.


I am painting and will have stuff to show soon. Also Space Hulk was played during the weekend. But only missions 1 and 2.

Does anyone have a list of which miniatures is needed to play all missions in Space Hulk 1st edition + expansions? I rememberer seeing such a list on the internet once, but can't find it now. I guess I could make it myself, looking through all missions, but if it is available at hand already it would be much easier.
There's a Black Dark Angel Terminator in the 1989 Rogue Trader Compilation, he's illustrated carrying an assault cannon and with a Red and a Yellow checked power fist.


No, he is the same as on the Space Hulk box. The one with flamer and checkered chainfist. I will try and copy that scheme for my flamer terminator.