Count Von Bruno's Minis

Hi all, awesome site!
Im blown away by the painting/collections on here and the effort put into it.

Heres some of my stuff


  • ThrakaMakari.jpg
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The original Skarsnik and Gobbla.

Ive cleaned them up a bit since this pic, but this one has a good background and you get the idea


  • skarsnikgobla.jpg
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"Flash Git Nob" or one of the Kaptin Badrukk minis.
Note the pilfered Space Crusade Ork power sword.
This is an old pic, Im going to touch him up and give him a kustom kombi gun and power claw.


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The later RT and 2nd era Orks are some of the best minis GW ever put out IMO.
That guy was the first mini I painted after finally getting back into it about 5 years ago.


Count Von Bruno":g213zot8 said:
The later RT and 2nd era Orks are some of the best minis GW ever put out IMO.
That guy was the first mini I painted after finally getting back into it about 5 years ago.

I agree, and i'm working my way though a Blood Axe force atm there such a nice range to paint. My favourites are the RT Gretchin so much charm.
Its a terrible picture, but heres a Snakebite Nob I foolishly painted and gave to a girl (and will never see again :oops: )


  • SnakebiteNob.jpg
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Ghazgkhull and Makari leading the Goffs through the jungles of Armageddon (my carnivorous plants)


  • Armageddon1.jpg
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Count Von Bruno":3394on0e said:
Its a terrible picture, but heres a Snakebite Nob I foolishly painted and gave to a girl

You lost your Nob to a girl? That's gotta hurt heh


Count Von Bruno":317fp98q said:
Not strictly oldhammer, but my brother painted this chap for me...

Nice paint job. Also, considering he was released in 1992 for Rogue Trader, I'd say he at least qualifies for an Oldhammer entry!
Fair point!

My brother's an awesome painter, but he never bloody paints.

I keep trying to motivate him to do so, and have gotten him some lovely old school minis for his dwarfs but nothing happens...I bought him the citadel dragon recently in hope that he would paint it but the damn thing hasn't been touched :cry: