Modelhammer - Spirit of '96 Corporate Branding and some random thoughts

Blog: Modelhammer - Spirit of '96
Owner: Foxhound
Author: Foxhound
Post: Corporate Branding and some random thoughts

Welcome back! So for anyone who saw the original version of this page you will notice I now have a snazzy new banner image paying tribute to 40K's 2nd Edition logo. Full credit and eternal gratitude for this goes to Jay-C of the Promotion Wars community who put this together as a favour to me. Cheers Jay!

So, onto some actual content - I hope to have a post that actually contains some miniatures up this weekend; this will be drawing upon either my vintage Blood Angels or my ongoing 2nd Edition Orks project - does anyone have any preference? Let me know in the comments please.

A hint at things to come:

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