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Conflict at Kearsney


After a spate of breakins and desecrations of crypts around the country, Manhawk, the leader of the Iceni project, decided that somethng needed to be done. The assembled team deduced that the next incident would occur at the ancient ruins of Kearsney abbey. Arriving at the site the superheroes headed down into the dark of the old crypts. An air of tension surrounded them, it was finally broken by the sound of bones scrapping across the stone floor. The heroes weren't alone.


The lich commanded his puppets forward. The ancient creature hungered for the lost manuscripts that were rumoured to reside in the abbey.


Seeing a shambling form ahead of him Solar Flare unleashed small rapid solar rays forcing the creature back.


Manhawk rushed towards the shambling dead. His powerful blows knocking chunks out of the skeleton pushing it back, but not destroying it.


Ignoring Captain Proteus the lich directed his constructs to deal with Gorgon. The heroine easily deflected the blows from the skeletons, but cried out in horror as the lich raised his finger at her. Eldritch energy streamed out from his f;eshless finger and Gorgon felt her life being leeched out of her.


The horde of shambling creatures rushed towards the heroes. Trapped in a corner Solar Flare was mercilessly smashed into the wall.


Feeling the mental screams of his teammates. Captain Proteus launched a barrage of psychic blows on the Lich hurling it into the wall.


The giant undead construct lumbered down the corridor, its sights set on a Project Iceni trooper. The trooper cowered back in horror as the monstrousity reached out with it's clawed hand. The fingers wrapped themselves around his head in a vice like gripped, and with one swift twist the constructed ripped off the unfortunate trooper`s head.


In a moment of desperation Solar Flare lashed out with a side thrust kick breaking the spine of one skeleton and knocked back the second skeleton with a spinning backfist.


Crushing the Lich's struggling skeleton form into dust in a psychic grip, Captain Proteus turned to aid his colleague Gorgon.


With the loss of the Lich, the Eldritch energy that was holding the undead together dissipated, and they collapsed into piles of bone.
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Nice to see more superheroes - I also like mixing genres and franchises. I particularly liked the giant undead construct.

Seems like a pretty decisive win for the good guys; one trooper was lost, but all the heroes survived.


Nice to see more superheroes - I also like mixing genres and franchises. I particularly liked the giant undead construct.

Seems like a pretty decisive win for the good guys; one trooper was lost, but all the heroes survived.
Yeah, the undead couldn`t bring their numbers to bear in the terrain. I think in the open it may have been a different story.