Cleaning behind the ears of a few bits of lead!


I recently took a few bits and pieces out of their bath of Dettol, here's a few pictures of what I found!
Paul / Golgfag1


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Satisfying work, isn’t it?

Interesting to see that there are still some Dettol strippers around. I found that it dried my hands out so badly that I needed to use nitrile gloves. This plus the gunk and the stench made my switch to Biostrip.

Loose Loser

I bought that Dettol year or so ago ( and since I can't buy it here I have to order it! haha ) and it was nightmare. Specially for plastic ones that were assembled. That Dettol stuck inside of bikes and all, and that smell, impossible to get rid of. Even after primer. Dettol isn't that strong stripper I think. So I went back to brake oil and denatured alcohol ( able to destroy glue ) for plastics and nitro paint stripper for metals. Brake Oil is messy just like Dettol.

Very nice miniatures! You could even make chronological order hehe

Fimm McCool

I always use Dettol and have had zero problems. Yes it is smelly, but only briefly when opening the pot. I soak minis in Dettol for about a week (or until I remember) then fish them out and put them straight into a jar of warm water with fairy liquid, swooshe them around a bit and leave for 24 hours. They usually come out clean after a quick rinse with very little scrubbing required and the smell almost gone.


Dettol is my go to cleaner of choice, what I didn't show you was me cleaning off the debris with my jet washer! I can hear the howls of anguish, but it works for me and means I I don't get the complaints about the smell from my wife - which is a win win for me. :grin:

Paul / Golgfag1

Fimm McCool

Now that's classy! Just do them the same time as your patio and you're laughing (once you've retrieved all the bits from the flower beds!).


I'd assume Paul's patio is made from the crushed remains of all the miniature armies he has defeated over the years ...

FWIW I've been using Bartoline Clean Spirit for my mini cleaning for a while, seems to do a reasonable job.


Fimm McCool":udjwtkfp said:
Now that's classy! Just do them the same time as your patio and you're laughing (once you've retrieved all the bits from the flower beds!).

I don't usually have an issue as I place the figures in an old colonder, figures stay inside whilst water passes through, simple.

EricF":udjwtkfp said:
I'd assume Paul's patio is made from the crushed remains of all the miniature armies he has defeated over the years ...

FWIW I've been using Bartoline Clean Spirit for my mini cleaning for a while, seems to do a reasonable job.

I surprisingly suffer from very few loses due to breakaged or rot, mostly because I tend to prime everything I own and place them in storage boxes and as for the remains of the armies I've defeated, I think I'd be in deficite, as I usually play the game for enjoyment rather than winning, which is boring and way too stressful.
Paul / Golgfag1

Loose Loser

Perks of a garden hehe

Did you notice difference between paints and undercoats while stripping paint? To me, enamels are the worst possible thing and when in combination with some car can paint or what not uf it's deadly. Most of the time even after one week in nitro paint stripper ( Usually if mini is painted and undercoated with, let's say, Citadel paints then 30 minutes with few steers is enough to strip paint of with tooth brush even from the recess ) it's got paint stains and all.

I was thinking to find shop that clean engine parts in bath or something. Did anyone try that one?