Citadel Gothic Horror

Here are some of the latest Gothic Horror minis that I've been painting - although I hope one day to employ them for a Call of Cthulhu game role playing campaign, right now I'm mainly using them to play Fantasy Flight's newish Lovecraftian organ, Eldritch Horror.

I find them interesting miniatures to paint, mainly because of their faces... rather than the generic, po-faced ANGER or GRIM DETERMINATION, of most fanstasy/sci-fi miniatures, GH have a wide variety of expressions: fear, uncertainty, insanity. Not that I am always up to the challenge of capturing these emotions, but it is fun to try.

Because I am a slightly crazy completionist, I am trying to collect as many of the Gothic Horror minis as I can... if you have any GH figures to trade or sell, please PM me, or check out my recent post on trades:



As always, I have loads more pictures on my blog, if you interested: For the next couple weeks, I want to discuss the Gothic Horror line, CoC, and what makes Eldritch Horror so enjoyable.
These look great. Thanks for sharing. I especially like the guy with the gun, poised for action rather than mid-action. You don't see that much
I love that pose too! The way he is hunched over gives him a sense of fear, which is entirely appropriate, given that he's probably shooting at a Shoggoth.
That's the next logical step. It's a pity Citadel never tried their hand at Cthuloid monsters (or never got the license from Chaosium).
I have a soft spot for the Grenadier models from the 1980's -- some of their sculptures are iconic, in my view. So I think my angle will be to favour Grenadier, and supplement it where I can with off-brand Citadel or Reaper, or with RAFM's Call of Cthulhu range (which is hit and miss in my view).

Any other thoughts on Call of Cthulhu monsters with a classic feel?
Thanks Lead Asbestos - I'd never heard of Fenris, but I just checked them out and I really like their style. They've got a pretty creative take on Cthuloid monsters that I really like. Some deeply odd sculpts! Beautiful.


Second, or perhaps third the Fenris stuff.

Nice investigators Matthew. I'd love to get some CoC done...