Citadel Ghoul

First Post; A Citadel Ghoul I'm starting back on. Has been sitting on the shelf for sometime, hence dusty. Not tomb dust sadly. About half finshed as it stands.


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    Citadel Ghoul WIP - by MacNeil 2021.JPG
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Looks like the one from the Talisman set. Are you going to add a gravestone like the Gary Chalk Picture?


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Hello everyone, humble apologies are needed for the lack of reply & thank you for so much interest & compliments, it's great to be able to share these things with you all, I seriously appreciate it. As mentioned on my other post I replied to tonight, life rather got in the way recently, then took time to sort out these snaps & process them for the 256k limit, which I now have a decent method for. Will be looking for an image host soon enough to save bunging up the forums storage cap & myself time editing them.

lenihan":2dg22gqx said:
Sinister looking - I like the flesh tone! Looking forward to seeing how it ends up
Thanks lenihan :) It's certaily not the canon colour scheme from the Talisman card Malacassa kindly reminded about (I had forgotten when painting), but it appeals to me more than the ruddy brown skin. Though that skin tone by Mr. Chalk is very enticing & does have a very dead feel to it too, being jaundiced, leathery, akin to real corpses similar waxen ochred pallor, & I would say his illustration leans more Ghoulish than the miniature (even with the canines). Possibly my own scheme leans more to Vampyre mythlore, as the figure looks more vampy to me than my how I imagine a Ghoul, especially with the two pronounced canines. But it's a really lovely figure sculpt with so much character, & whatever proxy breed I determine him (maybe a hybrid, a Ghoul having served his master well to be gifted with being magikally turned to a lesser Vampyre :o ) hopefully he will be finished soon, "...soon :roll: " .

Malacassa":2dg22gqx said:
Looks like the one from the Talisman set. Are you going to add a gravestone like the Gary Chalk Picture?
You know, when I was painting him, I had completely forgotten he was from Talisman :). Shocking mental lapse, I agree :oops: I think in part it's because I don't keep him with the very few other talisman figures I own (The Bard, The Druid & The Woodsman) & always kept him alongside my 'Night Horrors' & spooks from other manufacturers. I do not own Talsiman, & the mortifying fact is, I have never I even played Talisman ( Utterly shameful, yes :oops: ), so with that admitted to, I always see him in my own character casting, rather than of the game. I would like to play Talisman sometime, though definitely in it's original form, which are very pricey & hard to get in good condition nowadays. But certainly not do I have inclination to the new incarnations of them, either in TTBG or computer game form. The new artwork, as technically wonderful as it is, does not engage me at all, I find it generic & of the median mush that has enveloped the gaming world, the same can be said of the miniatures accompanying it, maybe more so. The new ghoul I honestly think is an abysmal sculpt, or abysmal 'design' perhaps is a better evaluation, & just because they paid homage with the grave stone does not make it so. I'm really not so normally forthright in my dislike of other peoples commercial artwork, it is quite inconsiderate as one never knows what challenges or walls of management they have faced, but I have to be honest, I really do detest that new Ghoul sculpt. It's actually rather an afront to the excellent orginal design & sculpt, not an honourable homage by any stretch. Sorry designer sculptor, I'm sure you are very good at what you do, but from me, it's a :arrow: NO! ( I just cross checked my opinion online by looking at pictures of it again. Yes, it appears to me like a cross between a bald Thunder Cat & Sloth from the Goonies pooping behind gravstone at a resolution of 240p).

Where as Mr. Chalks artwork, is marvelous, full of character, has the tell of the human hand & engages me at a moments glance. I have treasured the Lonewolf box (sadly I only have the Giaks & the inlay is gone) plus several other bits & bobs from Garys ubiquitous purveyence from that era. Another man from the stable of artists that we were so fortunate to be able to embrace creatively when the waters of independent & unique artistic styles ran free to quench our thirst. Good times.

Sorry, I wandered a bit there. Yes Malacassar, I will be adding some cemetry ware to the base :) , though not a solitary grave stone as given in the illustration (I'm not aware if the grave stone has divine canon principal to his character or the games narrative, I am interested to know however if you will educate me). I would like to make a small scene with him, sort of a diorama, but more of an extended base, where his own base can be popped out of the slightly larger base & then used for whatever proxy I need, or, should I ever get the chance to play Talisman, then use him in Talisman. The little scene would find him in an open air, but below ground level, small interment area of old worldy appearance, having cracked open a sarcophagi next to him, he has wrenched out half of the long decomposing remains of it's occupant. Clutching it by the wrist, like a jealous violent child who fears his prize is about to be taken from him, he snarls & ghasts at having been intruded upon before getting to savour the opportunity of scoffing down it's bitter, rancid, dessicated meat.


symphonicpoet":2dg22gqx said:
As I said on your welcome aboard post, that's truly a lovely ghoul! :) What lenihan said, love the flesh tone!
Thank you again symphonicpoet :grin: Your kind & welcoming words are truly appreciated, thank you :grin: It will be interesting to see where it goes right enough, as mentioned it's only 50% done, so there is space to make good on it still :) You previously spoke on the warmer tones of his clothing on the intro page, & I'm still not sure on where to take them if I'm honest. There are some blue grey greens in there to mute it slightly, to give a 'musty' dampen saturated feel, like clammy old leather or mildewed sackcloth. I'll get there I suppose, just have to find what's going to work to lift the edges out & up off the skin, give it some more contrast & depth, probably will need quite an opposing colour, contrary to the rest of him, but it's a tricky one without jumping to a bright or hot colour & making it all contrasty just for the sake of being contrasty. I'm not looking for that on this character, so I will need to behave myself when painting :) I'll tell you what's weird though, or maybe even it's 'Wyrd', is that the colour scheme I planned is almost an inversion of the Gary Chalk artwork, & it's been aaages since I've seen that picture. When Malacasscar posted it I had to stop for a minute & think to myself, "was I aware of this whilst painting?". I really don't think I was as I had a specific idea for quite some time of how I wanted him to look, very dark, very gothic, frightening, the usual spooky tropes :twisted: , but yes, it is a wyrd coincidence, very strange indeed :? :lol: :?

Sleepysod":2dg22gqx said:
Yes that flesh tone is something else! Lovely work
Thank you very much Sleepysod :) Love that name Sir :lol: I'm feeling a bit of a sleepysod myself right now :lol: (that would be I'm tired, not groping someone next to me). Very glad you like it & the compliment is very appreciated, thank you :)

inchmurrin":2dg22gqx said:
I'm with the rest love the flesh tone but especially with the blood effect on the fingers.
Thanks inchmurrin :) It's really good to read that folks are liking it, especially as it deviates from the orginal art in a big way. Though as mentioned to Symphonicpoet, bizarrely, I seem to have inverted the colour scheme of the original art. It's strange because it has been a long time since I've looked at that Gary Chalk illustration. Perhaps it is buried away in the unconscious somewhere, but most certainly was not a concious effort of colour inversion. Glad you like the gorey fingers :grin: But I was thinking on that, & it goes to show that I am definitely leaning the Ghoul more to a Vamp, because that red staining would only come from 'Fresh' meat, & not the blackened putrid remains of the long dead that Ghouls like to snack upon. So I suppose really I should maybe add a touch of browny black to the fingers if I were to call him a Ghoul, though that will take away from the visual punch over the clothing & the finger tips will become lost against it. :shock: Sorry I'm being waaay too literal aren't I :lol: :lol:

Tex":2dg22gqx said:
Love it, great work!
Thank you again Tex :) High praise sir coming from a brush maestro as yourself. Much appreciated :)

Caradepato":2dg22gqx said:
That is stunning - love the purples androids you've gotten into him. Those eyes, too! those eyes!
Thank you very much Caradepato :grin: That was a huge compliment you gave me there, I may tweak the eyes a bit, or not, i'm undecided. Not sure whether to leave them blind red or give them the intesity of a bright tiny intense corneal. May I take the time to say I just checked out your website & it was a joy to see your work also. Really like the way you approach the skin for your orcs, it has a natural painterly feel to it, yet retains a transparent realism, almost watercolour in effect, very nice indeed. Loved the little house on the cart belonging to the dwarfish chap. The Lichen effect on the tiles of the roof is superb :) Your Portuguese? One of my oldest & dearest friends is a Portuguese man, I have a great deal of respect for him. Good smart peoples & damn fine makers of breads ;)

The Fat Git":2dg22gqx said:
Excellent work, like everyone else says, great flesh tones!
Thank you Fat Git :) & as I 've said to all others, your kind words are genuinely appreciated :grin: Still a bit to go on him, bit more subtle tweaks here & there on the flesh & a touch more stark highlight to then get mellowed down again I think, will see, will see. Now on a serious note of enquirey Fat Git, between you & Sleepysod, who wins at wrestling after two Kebabs & six pints? :lol: :lol: Quality names on here, love it :grin:

Thank you all, really much appreciated, I promise, I will get him finished over the next two weeks ( yeah, yeah, 'only two more weeks' :roll:)
Meanwhile whilst your waiting on the Ghoul being finished up, here's another couple of pulled down off the dusty shelf. I the know the Marauder Dwarf is leaning into Middle Hammer so I hope he is still welcome.

Gandalf I'm not sure about yet, still trying to work out the varience for the greys on his attire before I get stuck into his flesh tones, so outer cloak aside, he is primarily just getting based out at the mo, though I like where his great hat is going for now. He is about 20% done.

The Dwarf, there are only subtle differences in the angles for those shots, just to try & beat the shadows really as they give a false impression of whats what on him, so I hope the the degrees of differences show whats shadow & not to show the blending properly, where it starts & finshes, etc.
I have chickened out on the tartan for his head band & flouncey breeks, but I will get it done. Quite happy with gold |I tried out on his bracelet wrist cuff guard thing. flesh tones are coming along, so will call him near 35% done.

Please excuse the fine hair (probs off a wooly jumper) on him, didn't see when taking the snaps :oops:


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More dwarf


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& here's the Grey Wizard. Classic :)


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& here is the last of Gandalf for now, but I have a couple of questions about him.

Regarding the close up of the bag; So unless Gandalf’s been moonlighting as a salesman for ‘Annsummers’ hen-party nights, I am assuming that object protruding from his satchel is either a firework or shroom (could even a Wizards Citadel Tower shrunk down to tabletop size including 25mm Saruman alive inside :grin: ).
I’m sure somewhere past tense I’ve seen it painted as a firework, & I am hedging to a firework, but what say you?

Also, there seems to be a letter 'P' rune-esque scratched onto his hat band. Is that actually a letter, or is it just the buckle of his hat band, could it be a 'P'' for Perry Twins, did they sculpt this Grey Wizard?

The curious object in the bag, Firework or Shroom or 25mm Wizards Tower for TTWG or...?

Is that a letter 'P' or just the sculpt of the hat belt buckle... 'P' for Perry?


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    Gandalf 1D - LETTER 'P' ON HAT BELT - Redux 1a .jpg
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I feel like the mark on the dwarf bracelet has some deeper meaning I should recall from the 80s or 90s, but I do not. Is it a G? I can't quite make it out out of context. His nose is really spectacular. Very well painted indeed!
symphonicpoet":1miulf4v said:
I feel like the mark on the dwarf bracelet has some deeper meaning I should recall from the 80s or 90s, but I do not. Is it a G? I can't quite make it out out of context. His nose is really spectacular. Very well painted indeed!

Thank you Symphonic, I'm still feeling my way with Gandalf & though not jaded at all by that path, he is such a giant of a character in ones own mind & emotion that I would like him to be 'just so' when finished, but I am content with the way the Dwarf is going, though of course, there is not the same responsibility to fulfill with that character. Regarding the Dwarfs nose of imbibement, where I'm from we call that an 'Alchy tan' :lol:

Noting of drinking, by any chance have you had a few wee drinky poos too whilst celebrating the Salute show & had at point of reply crossed eyes in the bleary dawn ? :lol:, the mark was on Gandalfs Hat Band not on the Dwarfs bracelet :) If you look at the second image up from the BCU of the scribing you can see it on Gandalfs Hat, probably more clearly than the BCU image to be honest :), my fault, it is rather disjointed as a close up.

But I think I know what you are refering to respective of the deeper meaning, somewhere between esotericisms, hidden symbolic artist languages, Bacons Cypher, Rosicrucian Alphabets, & 'The Mahjik'.

Hmmm, I see what you mean, but not sure if it's a 'G', are you suggesting Gandalf is of... 'The Order' :? ... :? ... :?


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Sadly, Salute is an ocean away from me. And yes, I enjoy a little nip from time to time, but I don't think this fellow is Gandalf. Maybe I'm seeing things, but I'm not sure I've ever been quite drunk enough to confuse Gandalf and a Dwarf. ;)

With apologies, here's the G I'm discussing. No elven runes. Clearly not Gandalf.

symphonicpoet said:
Sadly, Salute is an ocean away from me. And yes, I enjoy a little nip from time to time, but I don't think this fellow is Gandalf. Maybe I'm seeing things, but I'm not sure I've ever been quite drunk enough to confuse Gandalf and a Dwarf. ;)

With apologies, here's the G I'm discussing. No elven runes. Clearly not Gandalf.
symphonicpoet said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Good gracious, that’s CERN LHC meets Poirot level spotting :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:) Quite evidently there was an overlap between us querying Rune marks of two different figures on the same page.

No Symphonicpoet, unfortunately that is simply a less than desired element (measuring about 0.3 millimeter) of an otherwise ok painterly experiment, but you’re correct Captain Eagle Eyes, it does look like a ‘G’ :o , how genuinely miraculous indeed, on the ‘G’old bracelet of all things. Ah, but there are no coincidences.

Well of course this can mean only one thing, it’s a sign! & I am to be utterly stinking rich very soon :grin:, all because I twiddled a symbolic ‘G’ via brush tip on faux gold without even trying.

I bet I couldn’t do it again if I did try :lol: (Wager sir?)

You know I’m now going to have to try & fix that right?

No, it stays, I like it, I like it a lot :grin:. A ‘G’ on a Dwarfs Gold bracelet? That’s ‘Pure Slayer Pimpin Style’ that it is, or PSPS as acronymically observed, yet colloquially pronounced “PissPiss” on the streets.

Though I find if you crick your neck to an uncomfortable position it could equally be a number ‘9’. Ooooh spooky, more symbols from, (sssshhhh, in whisper tones only) “the order”, oooooooh.

Or perhaps it is not a ‘G’ or a ‘9’ at all, covertly being that of the number ‘6’.

Therefore I should paint two more ‘6’s, secretly deposited around the Dwarfs person for such inclined religious zealots to find, who then branding me as unclean, proceed to cast me out of daemons, & failing their desired effect of exorcism, bludgeon me to death in a holy hale of large pelted stones.

Days later my body will be found on a bed of potato sized aggregate, whereupon my skin strange symbols have raised on welts from the godly good rocks, all in the shapes of ‘6’, ‘9’ & ‘G’.
The discoverers of my battered corpse notice the tightly clenched fist of my left hand as though it were concealing something, curious they crack open the fingers, one, by one, by one, by two.
Declutched they find in my palm a small lead figurine deity, that of a freshly painted Slayer Dwarf! They GASP in horror before steadying themselves, assuredly one of them pipes up, “well, well, weeell, what do we have ‘ere then, one of them bleedin satanists again innit, leave him where he is, the crows can have ‘im”.




Loose Loser

I mean... haha

You must be cautious since you'll about to form Sex Dwarf ( not that one from Almond's song ) with symbols G, 6 and 9. Be careful or you'll be hit in G spot in pose 69 by Sex Dwarf.


Amazing pair! The use of such a multitude of tones complementing each other on such tiny figures with such a smoothness is astonishing!