Citadel dark elves


Seeing how we have many new members who might not be familiar with my oldhammer exploits, I thought it'd be a good idea to do a few showroom threads on what I already have painted, categorized by race. First out, dark elves.

Never liked dark elves much, but still it's handy to have a few around for skirmishing (I don't play *hammer, only SOBH, Crom and similar rule sets.) Since I don't care much for the models I realized they would never get painted unless I got someone else to do them for me. First, I sent my RR4 Mengil Manhide's regiment to Pil for painting, a few years ago. Some of you will recognize these from LAF/Frothers or my blog where I posted them almost two years ago.


Painted by Pil


Painted by Pil


Painted by Pil


Painted by Pil

You can read more about them here:

Last year, I took the remaining dark elves I had kicking about and sent them to JollyBob. Being somewhat of a lazy old codger, I couldn't get around to post them until now. I've had them back for well over half a year. Yesterday I posted them up on the blog though, as can be seen here:


Painted by JollyBob


Painted by JollyBob


Painted by JollyBob


Painted by JollyBob

So, that's my complete dark elf "collection" such as it is. I'm glad to be done with them (or rather, have had them done for me). Only dark elves I have to paint myself are the various monopose plastics I've collected over the years, and my old 2nd edition Blood Bowl dark elves.

I must say having models done for you on commission is rather nice. I do the bases myself once I receive them, so as to get an homogenic look with all my models. Once that is done, it's not obvious which minis I have painted myself and which I have had painted for me.