Chaos Warriors Collection


Greetings fellow Warriors of Old! Finally I've found a place with some old farts like myself - or that just like old minis with character! I've been collecting and playing since the early 90s. I love creating conversions (as you'll see) especially if it's to go with some fluff and backstory. Painting, however, I tend to do in fits and starts and so have never really completely finished anything! Can YOU motivate me? Nevermind that! I just want to share. Enjoy some pics, more story later.

Lord of Change converted into a Daemon Prince

Gorbeast Chariot or Warshrine

Tzeentch Lord and his retinue of halberd warriors

Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord

Khorne Lord

Khorne Lord on Steed



BSB on Daemonic Mount

Thanks for looking! Any and all feedback, suggestions welcome.


Impressive, I really like the black and fire warriors.

Your conversions are well inspired and are proper chaos.

To be honest the Khorne lords could have benefited from thinned paints :roll:

My chaos renegades fan heart almost collapsed seeing the mounted ones converted but I have a full set and therefore welcome any alteration form others. Giving them th bulky bretonnian horses was a good move, the poneys they're meant to ride are just ridiculous.
Goash, some of those are definitely "table top standard"! I think what you need to do is have a bit of a rethink of your process. You seem to be trying the most straight forward way of painting, ie CAREFULLY paint all the right colour in the right places.

However, Im not sure this is for you.

I like to get "paintery". That is, allow the physical properties of the paint do the work of making stuff look good for me. Its less effort, quicker and more fun. HEre is a list of ways of painting that you should at least try. THese are basic techniques, and you will have to paint in the final details on top.

1. Final details can be as simple as just doing the face though, so dont get scared! If you just finish a face, it makes the model look good and "work" becasue that is where the eye and mind of the viewer look and linger. Even if the hands and feet are really messy, if the face is just about ok then the model will seem to be really goo. Look at John Blanch models, thats what he does! ALso, faces are fun to paint, small (so quick to finish) and so you can put a lot of effort in in a short time, and come up with a really good looking model.

To make the face look good though you will need a really nice righ back ground (ie the rest of the model). You can use the way the paint pools, gathers and splatter to make a really rich and interesting paint scheme.

2. Spraying with a tooth brush or spray can. If you undercoat your model in a dark tone, then spray on a lighter tone from above it makes a really nice texture and does all the highlighting for use! Its called Zenithal highlighting I think. If you use a spray can hold it a good distance from the models. Toothbrush you have to very and is messier, so in a way harder, but also more fun and cheaper.

3. Use washes, lots of washes. And dry brushing. It is no good just doing each one time. You have to do layer upon layer. Many layers will build depth, which is very pleasing to behold. Each layer of dry brush should be less strong than the one before. It sound like a chore but isnt really. Its a simple and messy process so doesnt need much concentration.

4. Rust, verdigree and the leeching of other minerals. Go crazy on armour with runs, streaks and bleeds. Looks cool, is easy to make look realistic and is fin and quick.

5. DO the bases. Seriously, pick a colour for your army. Sand stuck on, base coat that the same colour as the edge then dry brush. Simple and BORING. Add something to the base. I use moss I gather, dried out.

Do these 5 easy techniques and you will have a rich looking gaming force, done with easy and simple steps.

Don Hans

Great idea of using the Renegades as Chaos knights. That warped armor makes them more chaotic then the standard knights!