So, last night I was poking around online and found some amazing custom chaos dwarf armies. Normally I'm not interested in conversions, but this was very inspiring. So I dug up the skull pass set my buddy gave me 2 years ago, and I got to work. I call them a Vampire Chaos Dwarf Gang. Still have some touch ups to do and the goal is a diorama including a very evil looking custom cannon. So, this is the current WIP!
I really liked doing the lava bases on the black rubble. I think the pale white skin works with the color of their armor too. I'm not sure how many more rifle guys I'm going to add but an entire unit would be amazing. Still lots to think about. Thanks for checking it out...

I really liked doing the lava bases on the black rubble. I think the pale white skin works with the color of their armor too. I'm not sure how many more rifle guys I'm going to add but an entire unit would be amazing. Still lots to think about. Thanks for checking it out...