Catachan Force

This is my frist attempt at painting an army and painting in gerneral so please don't rip me apart on this. You are welcome and encouraged to give advice and what needs to be improved. Decided that each squad will have a different color set united by bandanas of 2 or 3 squads with a command squad, will eventually paint more sentenels, when I get the long style assault cannons to replace them with. Maybe even mod it with the assault and heavy flamer if I can. I am aware the guns on the sarguents are out of place... I wanted them to be the big flashy guys leading the men with there oversized wepons, they just came out more flashy than anything else. That is a boltgun with a flamer on the bottom of you were wandering. I like fire, if I can have my army carry small plasma tipped grenades (from a from a grenade launcher) with nabom core I would. One of the sarguents out is old metal I have about two squads of the old guys that will be painted last. Updates will keep coming.

not a bad standard at all for a first army, certainly a lot better than my first attempt. I'll give you a few pointers that are helpful when your first starting out...

Washes are your friend, they can really improve even a basic paint job.

For your metal parts I would say use GWs Nuln oil liberally applied, this will give the metal a more realistic appearance. You can then give the edges a slight highlight of lead belcher.

Looking at the colour scheme you have chosen I would say give the entire model a wash of Agrax Earthshade (even the flesh) and then re highlight each area with the original base colour. If you want to be a bit more specific you can chose to give the skin areas a specific flesh was and then highlight with the base colour mixed with bleached bone.

I have a few painting tutorials in my blog (link in my signature). If you need any more advice just ask!

Good job!

First of all, getting stuff painted at all is an achievement in of itself- so points for that.

I think Legio has given you some solid advice there, I'll keep it simple and recommend using a palette and adding a little water to your paint, especially when it comes to flesh.
That's one thing that I had been reading since day one but always resisted doing, once I finally made the small effort to do it I realised what the fuss was about.
Multiple thin layers of milky, watered down paint will always trump a single, thick coat.

Hanging around here, observing other people's work and taking on advice offered really improved my painting skills, I'm no Mike McVey but I look at the stuff I was painting when I joined and what I churn out now and I can't help but feel proud.
You can do it too!
A painted mini is always far superior to the unpainted and they always fight better too!

The advice of washes and inks are sound, my good friend.

You have embarked on a journey and you will find many friends and encouragement here. Keep up the good work and boldly paint! Paint!


Scrub back when you want to, varnish when you risk it, clash colours when you dare, gradiate, highlight and experience the joy of the art that is yours to do with what you will!

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Make some dipping, and the miniatures will look much better. Army Painter quickshade is a wonderful way to paint your miniatures if you are looking for a tabletop quality look.
And spend some time with the bases, just black is ... :(
Nice models.
As said above use inks and washes. Devland Mud is a heavens send. Army Painted dips do the same job but take longer to dry and the models are quite shiny after dipping.
Bases: simply put some white glue on to. dip them in sand, after dry paint them earth tone and glue some model railway grass on them. Et voila.


We all started somewhere so painting that many models is definitely no mean feat !

Basic tips would be :

- prepare your models carefully, remove all mouldlines with a modelling knife and sandpaper or a file, if you leave anything past this stage it will stay FOREVER.

- Prime your models with care, don't worry if you didn't cover evrything the first time, just wait a bit it dries and give it another go or correct with a brush. Selcet a colour that suits your primary colour (white undercoat for bright colours, black for darker colours or even grey which is good for everything).

- Get brushed adapted to what you need to paint you should at the very least have a size 2, a size 0 and a 000 around at all times.

- Thin your paints, this tip will follow you all your life, the better you'll get and the more you'll want to dilute your paint actually. I know it sounds like a chore but 2 thin layers are always better than one thick. This is of importance because 1) it look sbetter and 2) it's far more easy to paint a model with fine details than one with very little or obscured details (makes the washes work better and all, creates shadows naturally)

- Block all base colours neatly

then if you want o go a little further

- try using washes, you will learn what you like to work with but starting with the corresponding GW wash should be fine for a start, you'll see tha tyou can use brown (agrax earthshade) for metallics and greens and even some reds to get cool effects for instance

- "blackline" by either leaving a small black line when blocking colours (requires a steady hand) or trace it afterward with a detail brush or even a rotring pen. It immediately enhances th e"readability" of your models just like in a comic book

- Highlights the edges with the base colour augmented with a lighter colour (black or white but orange can lighten red, yellow can lighten greens and so on) find what you like to get.

- Find a good basing technique that is easy to reproduce. basing a whole army consitently really does a lot on making it look good and basing any other army you make the same way can also enhance your games when both forces are on the Tabletop.
You can either use ready-made coloured sand where you just have to ass grass tufts (these looks good and are easy as pie to use). you can also just glue sand (with PVA glue) just before priming so the sand is primed (which seals the sand) and you then just have to drybrush it to make it look good.

Aim for simple and refine what you like to keep pleasure in what you doing, having fun and painting a lot will make you level up very rapidly I have no doubt. You've already painte da lot and are willing to share and this is good ;)
Wow thank you all, I am glad everyone is so egure to help. I was expecting one or two people at the most but not all this. Frist off I have been slowly finding out water is my freind and thank you for telling me it will help me a lot. As for washes I was trying to get basic painting down to look decent and figure that out, am glad you guys are so eager to help with that I feel that I am ready to move on to washes. I don't use GW paint, nor do I support them right now if I can help it. I have started with hobby lobby testors and model master, wish I would have known that they are on the same shelf but most are oil based and some are water based that are mixxed with each other and I picked up the water based assuming they where all water based... Then I got these model colors from a model store, I won't ever make that mistake again they go on so easy and look so much better it's like I am painting with water colors on plastic and they blend and they have the little eye dropper so when I knock them over all the damn paint doesn't spill out. I am sticking to paints with eyedroppers for now on. Anyway I will have to get some washes now, I'll look and try to match colors to what you guys said. As for the bases I was focusing on painting I will probably buy some grass and cheap glue sand extra, I like the darker meadow jungle look. My main problem now is that I have no money my job just laid me off because I had worked there 5 months and only after 6 months can I have an emergency leave (fractured my right 5th metatarsal it's one of the slowest wounds to heal of corse). Was not even the store managers decision it goes up to corporate and no one has say. Aparentely they will rehire me if they don't get anyone else. So that's my main drawback oh and I am on spring brake which really sucks I wanna go blow money on paints and detail brushes and oil for my truck and no one comes to see me eather. Just need to vent there I didn't expect to go travel and get drunk and do stupid people things expected it to be a little less badnews filled. I sure am a picky bustard, it's not that bad I'm just a little sick of being stuck in the house.
I am a little torn here, should I have 2 or 3 squads to a platoon... Just for looks sake rules favor 3 squads. So, do I want 2 10 man squads and a 5 man squad with a cooler guy or 3 10 man. So does it seem better to have a few more lietendants and smaller platoons.
So this started as a debate over having 2 or 3 squad platoons.... this is very importent it effects the colors of the bandanas and sometimes guns, really I have this vision as the great imperial cannot be stopped tactician that I was for about half an hour there. just a heads up my army is a colodgue of half bought half eBay special, so some models are painted usually poorly. Anyway, I have to have at least a sentenal for my poor men who can't do much they need there support behind them popping light armmor away killing dudes with power armmor giving them the courage to fight on, or leave a long bloody trail as they die. So I wasn't sure if it should be 2 or 3 squads to a platoon, I would have more command and luitendants.

I can change anything one sentenal to 3 squads is not quite enough. So I messed around with big plattons and more support.

So I didn't like that it felt impersonal, I want them to feel like my men not just some conscript army. Besides the its to much detticated support, when I say that I mean I want my platoons to have an objective and take it without trying to micro manage 24/7 and have to call the lascannons who had a job from my luitenint leading the platoon controlling them already made a ballsy move and needed those las's to hit this dreadnought now or he's dead but if I don't my other platoon will be squashed by a big landrader carring some devastating assault squad that will wipe out 3 squads for fun. The whole point of a platoon to me is to act atonimassly with the best interest at heart I want to call up and say take that objective but don't take more losses than is nessisary and have them take cover making the right choices on the squad level (I like to get into it as you can see). Also this idea of special wepons squads, it felt like a waste somehow. Most of the wepons are based for close range they have no one that can deal with close combat, and I don't want to bog my squads down with wepons that have small purposes with there low leadership. It is a waste of attack I needed something small that can be outfitted with speicalty wepons without taking a bunch of extra wight. So I got it take the platoon commanders through in my beloved commissars' and bam specialty wepons with men who can take some close combat without adding some squad. I love to duble up coolness. The heavy wepons are a must las's popping out heavy armmor to make way for the infentry with sentenals suppressing the heavy infentry. With my beloved mortors lightening up the hordes for my infentry to finish them off. Of course the small sniper detachments suppressing and doing a little wounding to keep those key badasses hiding behind cover where they belong.

Now you see my complete idea, platoon commanders as the frount line punch with all cool stuff in their squads. With my favorite unit of all the good old squad of humans being led into hell with there awesome sarguents carring the bigger the guns leading the ahead. And right beind them there very own sentenal. The big picture is "the block" this can be a small fighting force itself or one of many in an army. The captain(or corneal)is at frount leading his troops (with the suppioror tactition safe with a massive data table adding and informing the tactical decisions with the power to override) head frist with his 4 heavy flamers ture vetrans with scars and hatred of all thing chaos going to burn them out and lastly the fleg carrier who is honnored by his mission to carry it. behind my badass (relative to a guardsmen) is my platoons leading the frount the middle is characterized by heavy wepons teams laying waste to the enemy blowing them to sherds keeping the main attack clear for the frount, with the sniper teams adding that extra force and creating fear into the enemy lines keeping them stuck behind cover and sometimes there are tank(s) here landing there mighty rounds into the enemy as a squad or two goes farward to renforce the front. Behind that lays the tramma centers and reserves and the o-mighty basilisk landing shot after shot of the emporiors furry into the enemies as they cower behind cover knowing there fate is grim when you dare to atfack the inperiam of man...
Wow I had a moment there, anyway tell me if you like my orginizational idea it does matter at the platoon leval for bandanna colors. And sometimes more. I don't plan to keep this fixed but this is my outline for any fight but it is my outline and how I want my army to look. As you can see it is focused on my men, I like my squads very much. I have this idea ot should be much more balanced on lots of men from the lore with big heavy tanks as a supporting role most of the time, not the main force, not that they are not cool and have super high armmor value (only have a demolishure at the moment).

Then I shrunk the block again, I like this a little more less mid more front. Hope my little play time doesn't bother anyone for spamming the forum here. I had that dreamy time where you have that beutiful battle in your head as you brake through and distroy everything while only taking half losses or less.


Personally I hate such mind games as they have kept me from building/painting a guard army since ever. For me a platoon starts with 3 units but from your last picture I'd say that a sentinel makes a fine job of replacing a squad. That way painting batches will also become smaller(and less dull if that is an issue).


Niibl":2ahyu23k said:
Personally I hate such mind games as they have kept me from building/painting a guard army since ever. For me a platoon starts with 3 units but from your last picture I'd say that a sentinel makes a fine job of replacing a squad. That way painting batches will also become smaller(and less dull if that is an issue).

I agree with this. Go with your gut and don't overly concern yourself. Much better to get things painted and on the table, I think (as you have been doing!). Hey, you can always buy more minis later if you want to change the approach . . .

Plower fist? Who needs it I'm the badass of the year watch me smoke my cigar and the enemy, I'll get bombed and start a barfight with a space marine afterwords. (He is so cool he did that and only suffered a six week hospital stay)
Hope you like it.
I worked out my army details and fluff. Now there is a much better developed story. Ok so there is a star system on the outsideish edge of the Galaxy a place of advancing technology, free trade, and many races lived on it (mostly human some eldar); then the warp storms and everything went dark. For thousands of years eldar where traded with after that they where disconnected from humanity.there were choas attacks (being mixxed with eldar and other made the humans advance phisologicaly (not imbreeding but being around smart people makes forces you to become smarter to exsist in peace around them)) a secret project, a warp machine made underground by a secret socity that believes in the advancement of humanity. That humans are the chosen race to become greater than any race and defeat even choas or something BS like that but, they are very smart. The technology greatly strains the hole between warp and real space. It has sencers in warp spjace that recognize a threat and send a signal to central cammand (under the main colonized planet also a lack of connections to the machine in the warp sets it off) once this happens it kicks into high gear and any connection into the warp are extreamily slowed and rarely lost. It can take 4 to 6 days to open a hole big enough for a cruiser and 8 to 14 for capital ships even half an hour for a small craft of a few dozen men. This gives time for the local fleet to orginize and get into position this also prevents all warp travel and messages from flowing effectively. This is why no one has been able to take the system however a large determined fleet can take it but, it's not that important there would be great losses there are massive orbital las wepons designed to bounce massive photon beams across this hole in space making the passing it is a sure way to split any ship in half (however it's slow to charge and burns out after 1.6 capital ships). They have made contact with the imperium and began trading, the system and its children systems (they have a few billon people living on the close systems none of the planets support human life without at least a oxygen tank) have commissioned a pack. Under imperial rule they will maintain one regiment and stop creating new technology (or make it very very slowly); with the adeptiois mochanicous intervening (which is a political nightmare and isn't working well). The state of technology is introresting grav plating, las wepons and plasma control has advanced (there is other tech too). Most of it has been maintained so well the technicians understand basic coding and what a computer is (of corse they have to act as though it is a god when the adeptus is around). Natural human lifespan has evolved to 110 to 130 years. Machines do most of the work leading to people having a much more enjoyable life (relatively), they work roughly 35 to 55 hours a week for a lower class citzen. A middle class (yes it exists) works 35 to 45 hours and often have there own grav veicuals and homes. The upper class live up to 200 hundered plus years and work 7 days a week all the time during the 3 to 5 hours a day they actually work. There is an advanced republic system based on resource dispersal, voting, and old law (like a constitution). Very little actual goverment there companies (vage term can mean like today but ussally are small and profits are split among workers) are responsible for most social services. So every person votes on what street they want ( like asphalt metal alloy or stone) put in an income % and total money, 20% of the money goes to a pool that is evenly distributed to all streets and the other 80% is for streets In your chosen district (you decide what roads you want it spent on). Potations change everything as well, if you. An get a potition signed you can change anything you want say you want a sidewalk in pebble stones or to change the company becuse they are getting to greedy you get a potion that area gets a vote. People are aloud many freedoms falling mostly under the category that if it is agreed to be done between all parties it is legal with informed public opinion included (people have to attend confrances and read text of all main sides in order to vote on manoir issues and officials this is how much of the social systems work). This has led to segragation of people and better functioning (imagine if most people pro abortion in one city and the pro life in the other). The long life and advancement of people this leads them to care a lot about the way a community city or planet is going. There is no money only resources people can buy things from someone and pay in a resource(generally metals) or have a safe transfer (there simi banks) move them from one acount to another. I think we got the big picture down.

As for the planets there are 3 ones to care about (may only be 3 also). The farthest is a cold aird planet that one must have a breathing filter to walk on producing the mass machines. The middle is the big motroplis of cities and people. The closest to the sun it is a vibrant planet covered in rich jungle. It is made of a asteroids that have hit it and contains a super rich interior with all kinds of goodies, everything one needs to make war machines. It has 3 moons no oceans but there are a few seas. With a strange native life that grow as big and menising as a carnifix with below ork intelligence and it does not like humans. There are almost a billion people living on it most in the polar regains where the jungle subsides. The rest are in the deance jungle operating mining colonies, it is common for young men to seek there fortune in those jungles. They work for 10 to 15 years and make between 2 and 5 times as much as they would back home (on the city planet). This planet is a deathworld however native life is not friendly. All men (and some women) who work in the mining colonies are put into bootcamp to become conscrips, they are as good as any guardsmen and act as the conoy defense when the jungle opens itself to the the attacks from natives. The rest of the time they keep there Normal jobs and once a week (a relitive week) they train and maintain military standards. They don't often suffer normal casualties as they are in constant defence but are some of the frist pick to be drafted(it's part of the deal working in the mines getting rich) into the imperial regement. There is an army this is separate and made of ture deathworlders (using my awesome 3ed edition deathworld codex) that carry out missions in the jungle everything from search and rescue(in raids the big carnifix like things often take people), to land clearing and, recon. These are made of tough men, that have war stories better than an entire squad of gaurdsmen.

The army on the deathworld is made of two forces the conscripts and deathworlders (I have it all on paper it's to hard to read the picture). Deathworlders are made of the outsiders of many questionable settlements, people that love to kill and, convicts that have chossen war over prison (which are forced to work doing jobs no one else will). So it cost 3 points to upgrade ant noramal guardsmen to a deathworlder I am counting for points reduction and making it 5(this is modeled for secound edition the basic deathworlders is WS 4 and can see twice as far in forest or jungle, gets an added -1 for being in forest or jungle and, moves like normal in forest or jungle. Lastly every squad can take a heavy flamer that counts as a heavy weapon so I can take a heavy flamer and normal flamer!(burn baby burn). The codex also has a rule you need to know called ambush, we draw a grid of the table (one foot by one foot) mark X where a unit that as not on the table is(it must be depoyed within that grid section on forest or jungle). There are only two or three units in each army that can detect the hidden unit (make me place the model on the table) when in that grid but cannot shoot at it the same turn. If they are not detected I can spring them at the beganing of anyone of my turns and they are placed anywhere within that marked one foot by one foot square in forest or jungle. So basically I can drop a unit you can't shoot at or see and sring then anytime to attack, please remember this maybe super awesome but at best I can get a meltagun in a squad and you know about where they are (lastly there are of corse human and any template will wipe them out). So the army is laid out with a 2 Platoons of 2 squads each with a captain leading them. They have a devels squad ( added BS 4 LD 8(9 for Sargent) and can ambush with lasguns or las pistols and big knife plus they come with bragging rights), assault potrol (ambush and 4 man squad with meltagun), plus the deathworld snipers (ambush reroll wounds, can't move, but can be picked up off the table anytime and never come back but count as survived, lastly a -1 to hit on there -1 to hit, and vary expensive), a deathworld sentenal (heavy flamer more fire, jungle and forest act as a -1 to hit with no other adverse effect), some ograns and, a partridge in a pair tree. This force is rarely used outside of the panet due to how valuable the trained men are and there very specific place. Men are pushed into devels, snipers, or assult squads its about a 50% platoon to 50% specialty. The normal regiment style is to have a 10 man conscrip squad with a deathworld Sargent (they often carry there honorary bolter as well kept as any a space marine would carry). They forum two man platoons with a sentinal armed with assault cannon and lead by a deathworlders lutendant with vetran conscripts (they get the dead eye rule) carring the fun guns (plasma rifles and grenades and things they also tag along with squads when nessisary). 2 squads to a block with 2 groups of 3 man sniper support (vetran conscripts), and a heavy wepons team ussally vetran conscripts. Then there is 3 to 4 blocks to a task force led by a coronal with 2 basilisk hellhound and deathworlders support potral squads devels all the fun stuff. Conscripts that can shoot become vetran conscripts that can go into the army of the city panet, or become deathworlders but ussally serve there time in mines and go back home; in the regement a they serve 10 year positions and go home most don't servive. The advancement in the deathworld force is simple you start in a normal squad get promoted into into a speciality area if you are really good most of them to on to lead conscript squads for a while then advance up the chain. All deathworlders must serve at equal position in the conscript army before serving as that position in the deathworld force (an aspiring deathworld sargent must serve as a lutendant in the conscript force before being able to lead deathworlders as a lutendant). On a sidenote to keep such a high officer count most deathworld officers carry an IV with a nanobots at the ready when near the colony or frount lines these nanobots are relicesed when he is wounded and go thoughout his blood stream after a minute or two they activate freezing the body into a cryo state for 2 to 3 hours this greatly helps getting them to the trama center alive. In the regiment these are the main frount line soldiers they are trained and in great number the deathworlders lead and due scouting missions mostly, there specialty makes them valuable. The army exploits artillery and focuses on the human wave doctrine. Expect to see them running forward and hiding behind cover dousing the enemy in lasfire and calling in heavier wepons to knock out the big things. No heavy armmor is used, you can't drive a 80+ ton tank in the mud you can sink it though.

We are going to move into the last planet next, cold and arid. Filled with toxic gasses native to it, with a thin atmosphere. Humans must wear air filters when outside.There are only very small microbes and primitive plants. Most humans live in colonies of a few million with there factories, most of the resources in the system are processed and turned into war machines and heavy equitment where polluition would normally be a problem. Here baneblades, lemon russes, starships and, even small titens are produced quality of the forges on mars. Mostly parts are shipped out though they build the best plasma cores, las batteries and, grav plates found just about anywhere. It took almost a millinia of buying parts off of rouge traders to bring back the lost knowledge of how to build many of parts of war the machines. The army of this world has basic troops almost always carring heavy weapons with each squad, the infentry are almost always dug in holding a position or a mop up force. The main army is one of heavy mental they are focused on rolling over the enemy with firepower and shear weight. They have the elite technitions as well (a whole lot like the micanicus with less hate flesh and humans and all things not machine) build and have acsses to all the cool forge world stuff. They are also known to have contact with the secret socity and are aginst servitors, they use robots instead.

The middle planet is mixxed with oceans and land, very green much of the food is grown here (most meat comes from deathworld kills). There are buetiful towering cities of the sky with the advancement in grav plating much of the population can be seen flying from level to level on the outside. Each level is a mighty 300 to 1200 feet high the streets are very wide with a stream and crop growing in the middle. Building tower high and people are free to rent plots of land to build on. Many cities take on a slightly over the top 20's and 50's style. The low class drive small automobiles and ride in trams living low and in 1500ft apartments. The middle classes live in the middle with small grav cars and great curved body lines. Often living in 2000ft to 2500ft apartments with many trimmings of around space brought in. The higher up the richer the rich pay for homes with the thickest silk grass cut low with a sky view and trees lining there runway for there personal distroier sized ships. Some own bigger ships parked outside the city casting a daily shadow growing larger the lower the level. The central column of the cities are at least a half mile in diameter runing all the supplies and tranceports up and down the outside has each ring going up cover with massive curved hexes holding the outside up. The building is designed for a metal that turns luiqid when tuned to a frequency to cover the hexes fourming an airtight seils around the city that requires orbital fire to brake. Below is the heavy machinery ran by a strange class of technitions assoshated with the secret socitiy. Also are the hangers for the countless fast machines used by the royal guard ready to reapply on any level. On the top lays the great las wepons that can shoot through ships like toys. After the choas attacks it was vowed by the high general (at that time) that never again will we lose a city or die from great wepons so these massive wepons where built and have since kept the vow. The army is all speed no drag. No heavy armmor, no artillery, the entire army is a fast strike force designed to deal with the small ships that try and raid or take cities (since crusers and anything larger can't get down to deploy from the great lasfire). The squads are maned by great shots (the entire army has dead eye as a start) but due to the much less frightening nature of the threats they lack moral (LD 6 for all non vets which is most of it) and form 6 man squads. The army is mostly mechanized using Valkyries, landspeeders, vendettas, those 4 wheel forge world things with heavy wepons on the back that are a little like in halo and, anything fast. The vets are the best city fighters (add city fight and LD7) flying in the most well painted flashy flyers. Rarely they are given access to the storm troops (that's later). The army is built to drop in fast placing troops in key locations to fire and unloading there wepons into the enemy. They pick the troops up and hit the next target most of the enemies they face suffer from very little back (they can only drop so many ships and can't keep them in orbit or they will be brought down). Most of the time the army operates to fight of Raiders or rebellions. They are also known as flyboys or glory boys. In the regement expect to see a massed fast force attack one or both flanks fast and hard. However this force lacks the ability to reinforce when your attacked that is the whole force).

The storm troopers are the very small they recurt the best ( all troops WS4 BS4 LD8 5+ save 6+ Invenerable and have hotshot las) they heavily assoshated with the secret society and are know to get there toys. There hotshots are some of the best lasting weeks without maintaince. They have the well known space division that protects assets in space with there speshalized suits. That have no armmor 6+ invon are more expensive and safe in space. When you lose your astriod mine you call them and pay there price (top dollar) to get it back. There are two other known suits the flyer which give a 2+ movement and 1+ strength. The last suit is the heavy assult suit -1 movemeant 4+ save and are found with heavy wepons or a dubble hotshot and get a one time 3+ invon save from any attack (the suit has small tubes with gases for plasma pressured at 50,000+ psi when a major attack or selected wepon is about to hit the tubes open spraying the gasses out as the suit turns into a frequency based electro magnet forcing the plasma in rings at 6" 8" and 12" away from the suit, then it is charged with a massive lightening shock creating plasma rings that form a gel structure for a split secound the trouble is the timing).They can by old law take anything for a week to a month to aid them. Little is known about them, gernailly keeping to themselfs they are more of a ubran legiond until you make enemies with them. When they are seen they get the job done and get out if you talk about it you may disappear. Many of them seem to be Pykers.
Wow I have a lot here.

So recap for the regement the catachan (the models) force is conscrip squads with deathworld leaders that sometimes oprorate elites, lots of men with senenals and heavy artillary. The conscrips are men who sought wealth in mines and where trained to fight to protect the mining colonies and just happened to be picked to go to war in the regement while the deathworlders are made of tough men with questionable backgrounds.
The last planet has the frist born (the models) they build all the heavy machinery the men often carry heavy wepons and are found in trenches and cover they just hold or mop up from the great russes, banes, and titens. The planet is cold and you need a breather to survive outside.
The middle planet is covered with cities, the army is made of mordians (the models) great shooters but -1 LD. They form 6 man squads mounted in fast transports valkiries, vendettas, landspeeders, the elesain vehicles. They deploy and strike the flanks hard, super fast lots of fire power no defiance. The cities are based on levels and have a 20's and 50's style to them.
The storm troopers are a strange breed that work for and are supplied from the secret society, they have advanced armmor and hot shot lasses. With some advanced forms. They are known to make money from murssinary work reclaiming lost space cononies. Very strange and not vary well known, they have there own agenda.