Doris Plunger's Lead Mess Brother Librarian Oconee Tempz conversion

Blog: Doris Plunger's Lead Mess
Owner: DaddyOrChips
Author: terryshithole
Post: Brother Librarian Oconee Tempz conversion

Another one I recently finished, this is converted from a Stormguard Celestant-Prime. I don’t know what that does but I liked the mini and so when it was cheap on partwork I picked it up. A Librarian seemed like the obvious choice, though having just designated a Chief Librarian to the Steel Guard this chap is just a common or garden Space Marine psyker and doesn’t get a special hat with a button on even though his pose is way more epic. I ditched the swirly magic base and the pointy wings, replacing the wings with a standard marine backpack to emphasise that it was psychic flying. The arms took some work and this was the first time I had used model filler so its a bit of a mess under his armpits! I used lots of shade and contrast-as-glaze and I’m not really that impressed with my work but its all practise, next time will be a bit better.

Meanwhile I’ve recently started playing Skyrim (I know, but I just never got round to it before) and its a bit good isnt it? I’m a bit shit at computer games so I bought the game guide and its nearly 900 pages long! Repeat to myself: I must not sit up til 3am playing every night… I must not….

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