Board Rules

We don't have a lot of rules, but it makes sense to consolidate those that we do have an those that have evolved into one place... Additionally the board does have some general terms and a privacy policy you might want to look at.

Make all of your posts friendly and informative - remember this group is used by people of all ages and sensitivities please refrain from using foul language. Forums can sometimes be considered impersonal, you cannot see the other person's expression, whether they are smiling or joking, so a little extra effort is needed to communicate without seeming overly stuffy or curt. Be friendly: do not talk down to someone or seem annoyed at their questions. If you’re in a bad mood or you’ve had a bad day take a step back and maybe wait a while before posting that reply...

The forum has a focus on older wargaming, miniatures and associated gaming, modelling and so forth. So if it's newer stuff it'll ideally have an older aesthetic Please try to keep threads on topic, new threads that are off topic are liable to be removed by the moderating staff and those that drift off topic will be steered back by the moderating staff. Content that is pure spam will be removed and the poster will either be banned or receive a warning against their account. Multiple warnings will lead to being banned from the forum.

Please don't post or link to copies of material that is still within copyright of its authors and not publicly published by them, even if it might be hard to come by these days. We've no desire to entangle ourselves with lawyers, chaos daemons are enough of a handful as it is. So no threads just dumping pages and pages from publications please, or links to PDF copies of rulebooks and so forth. By all means post something if you are starting a discussion around that item, be it an old advert or section of rules, etc. Context is as ever is everything.

When you write a post, think twice about whether you want the world to be able to read it. This is a public forum, so your contribution can be read by anyone in the world.

We do allow members to advertise their companies in their signatures if those companies would be of interest to this community, so if you run a double glazing company, sorry you are out of luck. Please keep such adverts somewhat modest in size, no one want's huge banner adverts every other post. Have a look at how other members are doing it and take your cue from them.

Please try to avoid cross posting between forum nodes, pick a suitable location and post your thread there. This isn't a huge or extremely busy board so your thread will be seen! Exception for where you say posted a miniature photo on a themed thread, eg a Deadcember thread and linked to a longer more detailed post/thread about your miniature with the same and additional pictures. So no problem if you're just consolidating your work in one thread whilst it crosses over with a themed challenge, etc.

Please try to make sure your posts are formatted reasonably, lots of random colours, CAPITAL letters (normally considered shouting in Internet circles) and other quirky formatting is liable to either be removed or tidied up by a moderator to make it less heretical.

Please make sure your avatar and signature are neutral and appropriate for all audiences: political statements, risqué images or subjects that are controversial don't need to be brought here. There was enough grief when Age of Sigmar was released we don't need any more contentious things added!

We're not going to spend ages carefully saying such and such is the "line" that you should not cross, if the forum staff think you've crossed "the line" then we'll let you know and deal with it like adults. The staff's decisions are final.

Generally threads discussing the rules can be found by looking at the board-rules tagged posts. The contents of those threads will slowly be consumed and regurgitated into this post as time permits.


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