Blood for Da Baron


Moar on da blog! ... -da-baron/


Brilliant stuff Seán. I look forward to gunning these guys down in fanatical droves to choruses of comic book "AIEEEEE!"s,

axiom":2ih6h8d8 said:
Fancy an iron bonce chap as Destro?

Great idea! Maybe a push mould of the face or something added to a more Destro-y body, but the old Painboy (the original model used as Dok Grotsnik) has a face that I think would make for a very entertaining Destrork.

Just John":2ih6h8d8 said:
Fantastic. I always loved the Red Shadows.

For sure. The best part of pre-GI Joe AF by a long shot I think and AF had loads of fun stuff.

Is Da Baron himself going to make an appearance? That guy had a very particularly hilarious look.
axiom":2jn1s9oe said:
Fancy an iron bonce chap as Destro?

Thanks Axiom but I have the old Dok Grotsnik in my collection if thats the chap you mean? Did you have any other model in mind?

Just John":2jn1s9oe said:
Fantastic. I always loved the Red Shadows.

What's not to love about a bunch of brainwashed fanatical ex-nazi mooks willing to die in droves? Nothing that''s what not! One of my favorite stories is the one about the recruitment training process where potential candidates are put through a lethal crucible of an assault course. Where do I sign up!

cheetor":2jn1s9oe said:
Brilliant stuff Seán. I look forward to gunning these guys down in fanatical droves to choruses of comic book "AIEEEEE!"s

...Is Da Baron going to make an appearance? That guy had a very particularly hilarious look.

I believe that AIEEEEEEEEE! is listed in the Red Shadow training primer as the regulation death scream, another inheritance from the German army circa. WWII I theorize (if British WW2 comics such as Warlord are to be believed).

Yeah Da Baron is de rigeur in the long run. He is one of those figures which is hard to build from existing figures so it will be an Ottoz Kustum Wurkshop build for him. The man in the iron mask is a pretty strong look and that Mask would have to be removable for me to be happy with it. Can't miss an opportunity to model an Ork warboss with a pencil thin mustache and grey hair squig. I think he will have the pistol and whip combo, rather than the hands behind the back look which Soapy went for in his awesome project:


theottovonbismark":qz632zvq said:
I think he will have the pistol and whip combo

I have to disagree here. The Baron Ironblood doesnt perform manual labour! He is a hands behind back guy, standing unconcerned while bloody chunks of Red Shadow hurtle past the trash receptacle on his head.

Is the planned half track based on a AF vehicle? When are you making the Roboskull?
cheetor":3u35f6vp said:
theottovonbismark":3u35f6vp said:
I think he will have the pistol and whip combo

I have to disagree here. The Baron Ironblood doesnt perform manual labour! He is a hands behind back guy, standing unconcerned while bloody chunks of Red Shadow hurtle past the trash receptacle on his head.

Is the planned half track based on a AF vehicle? When are you making the Roboskull?

I had this image in mind:


I will just retrofit one of my old scratch built german ork half-trakks with some new kit and give it a splash of red paint - it looks cool and it will do the job. I have way to many other things on the go to jump in at the deep end of vehicle builds. The Roboskull is pretty iconic and I have an old RT Battlewagon which happens to have a big ass skull modeled into it already so I have most of it there already. Not as exciting as scratch building vehicles but much more likely to see completion.

A couple of the skelebots and a muton would be high on the prioirty list - I have been looking for an excuse to orkify up some necrons for ages now. AF has a lot of ideas that are mini-converting gold!

Just John

I reckon I have all those old comics stashed in my parents attic. Might have to dig some out next time I'm up in the big shmoke.


theottovonbismark":1ugb71en said:
axiom":1ugb71en said:
Fancy an iron bonce chap as Destro?

Thanks Axiom but I have the old Dok Grotsnik in my collection if thats the chap you mean? Did you have any other model in mind?

No particlar model, the RT painboy would be a good orky start point, although I'd try a closer match...perhaps using one of the new Blood Angel mask heads as a starting point. Or even a bald orky head painted silver?
axiom":yes0gp95 said:
theottovonbismark":yes0gp95 said:
axiom":yes0gp95 said:
Fancy an iron bonce chap as Destro?

Thanks Axiom but I have the old Dok Grotsnik in my collection if thats the chap you mean? Did you have any other model in mind?

No particlar model, the RT painboy would be a good orky start point, although I'd try a closer match...perhaps using one of the new Blood Angel mask heads as a starting point. Or even a bald orky head painted silver?

Blood angel mask head has potential but the baldy head painted silver, now that's a nice simple idea that would work! I am sure I have a suitable donor from the horde.

@ igirisujin :) where are those guys from and what scale?


They are all 28mm miniatures. The Red shadows are converted West wind Secrets of the third Reich Germans. The baron is a converted crooked dice man from the future. And the Z force SAS are infinity range. Here are a few others:

Red Laser

Space force (From Crooked dice)


Space force (From gripping beast)

Z-force agent (From statuesque miniatures)
Great work theottovonbismark, being an Aussie I only just found out who Baron Ironblood and Action Force is!

At first I was wondering what Ned Kelly was doing in a suit...

Being a card carrying member of COBRA to this day I must say I'm impressed, those Red Shadow chaps got aped by Hasbro to be Destro's Iron Grenadiers :lol:

edit: these guys oversee my painting :grin:


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@igirisujin - they are really cool. Love the Red Laser guy especially...I think I he will make for a good template for a squad leader for the mooks.

@Aiteal - you are correct, I love those Marvel Ogres, never seen them before. :)

@CBV - lol yeah he is a bit Ned Kelly in a suit now that you mention it. Ned Kelly and his gang would be a great source of inspiration for a GorkaMorka warband of 'Ardboyz. Mik Jaggork could play the title role for those boyz for sure. Gotta love the guy for using his armour farily successfully "...After the shootout there were five bullet marks on the helmet, three on the breast-plate, nine on the back-plate, and one on the shoulder-plate"...badass.