Bloddwyn WiP: Bolt Thrower Miniatures


Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not I apologise and please feel free to move it.

As those of you following the Legacy Warband may have seen my entry for this competition will be a sculpt by Juan Monatano which will be available to buy through my fledgling minis lines Bolt Thrower Miniatures.

Here's the final inked concept sketch, by Martin Hanford:

And here are the WiP pics from Juan:

So, any thoughts? Any suggestions? The mini will be available to pre order when I have the green.


Very nice indeed - the execution from concept to miniature form has come out very well. I look forward to seeing some paint on all those furs and skins!


Yeah, I want to do some female minis that look like they could actually beat most men in a fight. I'm thinking I may make Bloddwyn into part of a Townswomen Guild pack.

Cheers Orlygg, I should have another pic to send you soon.


I'm thinking about pricing at the moment. What would you guys be happy to pay for a mini like this? I'm not aiming to make money with Bolt Thrower (to start with at least) but the more money I take, the more I can put into producing more minis, at the same time though I want these to be affordable.


Bloddwyn is now very nearly ready for pre-order.

Mena while the next mini is coming along nicely...
