Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Beachhead 2024

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Beachhead 2024

A Day Out Beside the Sea

After missing Beachhead last year it was good to get back this year. And the weather was considerably better than the last time I attended. Beachhead had the usual mix of traders, display games, competition games and special events. Although I thought the mix of traders included too many traders just selling RPG dice. Often with a great deal of overlap on the dice for sale.

I did buy a few minis but it was mostly hobby supplies such as paints and brushes. And this regard Beachhead has a good selection of traders.

All sunny on the South coast

This Age of Sigmar troll army caught my eye.
Proving that Citadel still makes some great minis.

And this dryad army also looked really good.

As usual the titan guys turned up with so many titans.​

There was a big display by a group of Star Wars reenactors which was very well done. Probably should have taken more pictures!​

Truly impressive the amount of detail on these 10mmm minis from Rok.​

Played Wings of Glory at the show for the first time. I thought it was a great game and the dice less mechanics were were excellent. My Fokker DR.I Triplane managed to take out one of the Sopwith Camels before being shot out of the sky.​

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