Basing gobbo spears

Good Afternoon, I fell off the oldhammer wagon for a bit and had a strange urge to paint modern stuff, that madness has now passed so I'm beginning a new project. My goblins have sat waiting for too long and they will be perfect for 20250301_124342.jpgfighting my empire men. Getting these gobbos to rank up is an absolute nightmare so I have been slicing up MDF bases in an effort to make a solid unit. I considered removing the tabs but a little voice in my head said no.

Fimm McCool

I was fortunate to get some of those plastic regiment bases for my night gobbos, the one with the little round baselets you can turn to help stuff rank up. After all, you aren't usually removing JUST ONE gobbo are you?!


basically just a 20mm square with a say, 15mm round in the middle so you can rotate? if they don't, that sounds very easy to make.. someone show me a couple of decent images and I'll make a printable in a few miniatures if anyone wants


Boy, those bases are small.. Smallest round plastics I have are 20mm but they are 17-18 mm or so.. so the tray to be 20mm by 60mm.

So as not to derail much: