Adventures of Cap'n Julius T. Smyrk Aren't you a little short for a Tempest Scion (or whatever it is they call Stormtroopers in 40k these days)...

Blog: Adventures of Cap'n Julius T. Smyrk
Owner: Capn-Smyrk
Author: Captain Smyrk
Post: Aren't you a little short for a Tempest Scion (or whatever it is they call Stormtroopers in 40k these days)...

Anyway I've done some more painting on a number of minis since my last post.First up are the remaining members of my original Necromunda Escher boxset to go with the heavy I showed last time.And a group shot of the whole gang.But my main effort (getting back to the title) are three more of my Star Wars inspired models for my scenario idea. These three round out the faction including the crew of

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