Warm Ale and Mud All About Me

Blog: Warm Ale and Mud
Owner: MichaelStockin
Author: Mike
Post: All About Me

I have just finished the Farmhouse which took a lot of my modelling energies for a while.


So for now I will retreat into the games room and plan new things and maybe paint my elementalist for my Stirland forces.

A couple of years ago we sold our house in Bristol as we needed a bigger house so that my wife's mom could come and live with us as she is very ill.
Long story short, we are a lot worse off financially but her mom is better and we have a bigger house, big enough for a games room!!

For reasons, we are unable to go out much, no meals, cinemas or the stuff that most people do so we are trying to make the games room have a certain vibe.

Here are some images of where the magic happens... :grin:

On the ceiling is a flag that I got the sizing wrong on, so rather than bin it it goes there!!

My growing 25mm scenery/terrain collection.

10mm and 25mm models for WFB 3rd edition.

Some books and filums.

The table gets pulled out for games and on the ceiling is a canvas that I stapled a static grass mat to.
It is light enough that it hangs there out of the way nicely and it has been reinforced with foamcard so it is sturdy enough to play on.

The MDF boards have matts attached to them on the other side.

Odds and sods, I am very pleased with my 19th century German beer stein.
And yes I do like my Kraken rum.

A hand drawn map of The Empire I bought from a lovely lady called Katya who runs an Etsy shop from Poland.

From the same lady, a map of Hyboria.

A gift paid for by the mother in law for my birthday a couple of years ago.

Paints and the writing desk.

The workbench area.

My wife and I are big fans of Hammer Horror films and we watch them every Saturday night with crisps/dip and booze.

I have been collecting signed photos of some of the Hammer Horror actors, here is one from Valerie Leon and Caroline Munro even popped in a really nice personalised card which was super amazing.

Here is Madeline Smith from Vampire Lovers, a great Hammer Horror film and part of the Karnstein Vampire trilogy and almost certainly where GW got their name Carstein from.

Finally the media shelves.
This is where I keep my favourite books and DVDs.

So there you go, this is the games room and if you ever find yourself in Lincolnshire and happen to drive by the house pictured below, you are welcome to pop in and have a chat.

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