Adding your Blog to the News Feed forum

We have a busy little RSS News Troll who looks at lots of oldhammer blogs and posts their new content into the News Feeds forum.

If you run a blog and the content is primarily oldhammer and would like us to include it in the News Feeds forum then if you reply to this topic with the details of your blog and its RSS feed URL your feed url and someone will take a look and add it to those the poor Troll processes process. We can keyword filter blogs if you have more of a mixed output but your oldhammer content is easily identifiable.

The feed content and specific settings differ with each content management system (CMS). Feed owners might need to do some setup and configuration. It all depends of which option you choose. Don't worry too much about these technical details. Below a knowledge base of setup instructions currently known to us. If your CMS system is not listed it does not mean it cannot be added ultimately we just need an RSS feed from your blog.

Blogger Setup Instructions
Consult this page for feed setup instructions.
  • Full - Setup the "Allow Blog Feed" option to "Full" or "Jump break" - Jump-break feeds require the author to add jump-breaks to his posts. Please consult this page for jump-break instructions.
  • Summary - Setup the "Allow Blog Feed" option to "Short" (note that markup such as images are excluded when using summaries in Blogger)
  • Short - Setup the "Allow Blog Feed" option to "Full", "Jump break" or "Short"

Wordpress Setup Instructions
Consult this page for feed setup instructions.
  • Full - Setup the "Font page displays" option to "Your lastest posts", the "Blog pages show at most" option to "1" or higher and the "For each article in a feed, show" option to "Full text"
  • Summary - Setup the "Font page displays" option to "Your lastest posts", the "Blog pages show at most" option to "1" or higher and the "For each article in a feed, show" option to "Full text" or "Summary"
  • Short - Choose one of the above settings, it does not matter
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Old Hob

Hello. For some mental reason I decided to start a blog!
The content is likely to be half and half Oldhammer and other stuff. I intend to tag the Oldhammer stuff if that helps?
Please let me know if none of this is working so I can have a tinker.