WFB3 A Scourging of the Forest

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition
here's a follow up to the relief of geoid mine. in our play through this resulted in a bloody fight but ultimate victory for the wood elves who prevented all but the wolf rider unit from entering the forest, and they were eventually routed.

A Scourging of the Forest

As the Blue Moon Crew retreat from their defeat at the Geoid Mine they approach the edge of woodlands patrolled by the Wood Elves of The Bright Curse. These Elves are aware of the depredations of Goblinoids in their vicinity and so are patrolling the borders of the forest in force. One unit of the larger patrol encounters the remnants of the Blue Moon Crew as the game begins and signals for their fellows to join them in engaging their enemy.


Goblinoids – 748 pts

The whole army is Subject to Animosity (Test at the start of every turn, see WFB3 p. 205).

20 Boyz – 204 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon, Light armour and shield, Standard, Musician.

15 Arrer Boyz – 157.5 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon, Bow, Light armour and shields, Standard, Musician.

Goblins Fear units of Elves of more than half their own numeric strength (see. WFB3 pp. 71-2).

Level 10 Goblin Wizard – 61 pts
Equipment – Hand weapon, Magical Woad (Save on 3-6 vs. missile weapons only)

Magic points: 12

Spells: Cause Animosity, Fireball, Hammerhand, Immunity from Poison, Part Water, Summon Undead Champion

5 Wulfboyz – 54 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon, Shield, Standard.

10 Stickas – 42 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon, Short bow, Standard, Musician.

25 Gobbos – 94.5 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon, Light armour and shields (Save on 5-6), Standard, Musician.

Wood Elves - 772 points

Artheon (Spellsinger – Level 10 Wizard) - 78 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Staff.

Magic points: 15

Spells: Camouflage, Enthuse, Hammerhand.

10 Archers – 110 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Longbow.

10 Archers – 110 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Longbow.

10 Archers – 110 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Longbow.

10 Kinband Warriors – 110 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Light armour & Shield.

10 Kinband Warriors – 110 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Spears; Light armour.

10 Kinband Warriors – 144 pts
Equipment: Hand weapon; Double-handed weapons, Standard; Musician.


The game is played on a 4'x4' table.

The table was setup as shown above.


The Goblinoids deploy anywhere within 6" of the right table edge.

A random rank and file Wood Elf unit starts the game within 6" of the left table edge, after all Goblinoid units have deployed. D3 random units (including Artheon) then deploy within 6" of the left table edge each subsequent turn.

Special Rules
The river can be forded as Very Difficult Ground.

Victory Conditions

The Wood Elves are seeking to prevent the Goblinoids entering the forested half of the table.
The Goblinoids are looking to exit the table on the edge opposite their deployment zone.


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twisted moon

i'm glad you approve. it's an easier learning experience (for my collaborator) and allows a conclusion to be reached in an afternoon.