A Giant Frog With Passion

Ever since I was a runt I have wanted to field Giant Frogs in a Warhammer fantasy battle 3rd edition Slann army (of course the Bretonnians get them too and giant snails naturally in the jolly natured racism which was a hallmark of the times). Now there never was an actual model made for this critter. The only Citadel model which could stand in for one was the talisman frog which was a fair stand in. The thing is though that a giant frog is one of those oddities in the bestiary due to it's ability to swallow a man sized model whole - that's the real reason for my wish to field some. The potential for hilarity is pretty damn high. I don't play to win or loose these days, I play for giggles.

To my twisted mind a creature which can shoot it's tongue out and grab a hero off his horse into its maw should probably look a wee bit more scary than a large frog. So somewhat inspired by the 8-bit game Lazer Squad's venemous splurge, somewhat inspired by the forgeworld Toad Dragon and somewhat inspired by Ghostbusters I am working on this fellow who I have named Froggo. He is still WIP but you can get a fair idea of where I am headed with this one - some more skin will come soon. :mrgreen:










You sure have a fair bit of talent Sean, but you really do like project jumping! (Much like me infact)
Cheers Chico.

I work in parallel on a lot of stuff at the same time, not quite project jumping as there are only a limited number on the go at once. It actually helps me to avoid the dreaded burnout. Sculpting is best done in parallel anyway so it suits me better than painting in that way.
Is not bad man! Keep on! Sadly the greenstuff is not good for small details , thats why I don't like it, TRY Sculpey! I say it to everyone :)
Yeah I must get some of that stuff. It seems to get a lot of love from it's users. I haven't found green stuff to be particularly bad for small details from my point of view but you have a lot more experience than me at it so you are probably right.
Got a bit more work done on him today with adding the first layer of skinning on the back and flanks as well as an upper lip with nostrils. Started adding eyelids as well. He will loose a lot of that smoothness as the top layer of skin will be more warty and toad like. He will be a bit more bulky around the middle also in order to accommodate a full sized hooman.




Splendid Seán !

I love to see other people giving frogs some love ! The huge mouth like the one you'd expect form an abyssal fish is really good and the bulk of the model is just right. I think you're going to have some fun to do the toad warts and all the texture. May I mention that I read a nice trick : use those smal speheres you get in water filters and just glue some on you rtexture, then you can blend them with either liquide greenstuff or with PVA. I tried it and it's actually really convincing (may want to test it first though ;) ).
A lot of sculpting coming from yours lab lately and very good stuff it is.


Coming along nicely mate! I think the teeth (or tusks, really) are a bit too big.


I realize it's a giant frog, warhammer world, chaos yada yada yada... but still. =)

Edit: Forgot to mention, giant choppers are of course more fun! =D
Cheers guys, appreciate the feedback :) .

@ Asslessman - might give that sphere approach a try for the warts and texturing, I have some liquid green stuff ready to try out :)

@ Phreedh - the teeth/tusks are oversized quite purposfully, in fact it's fair to say I have thrown realism out the window in favor of the fantastic, much like one of the inspirations for this project:


There is an amusing puppy like quality to him which pleases me - a bit of the ghost from Ghostbusters, Slimer's personality. There is going to be a slight Jabba the Hutt influence on his nostirls. He will end up being a pig to cast though, I may need to chop him up later.


theottovonbismark":ssybxvy1 said:
I have thrown realism out the window in favor of the fantastic
Good call there. :grin:

theottovonbismark":ssybxvy1 said:
a slight Jabba the Hutt influence
Funny that you mention it, I was thinking of the Bubo from Jabba's palace when I saw it first.


He is a bit tasty. I am not familiar with Bubo but see he has some useful features for Froggo. His eyes are great for example (I was not exactly sure how to go with the eyes), and the skin texture is appropriate...thanks Phreedh, I will incorporate some of him in there for sure.