[40k:RT] Battle at the Farm: Crimson Fists & Space Orks

Zhu Bajie

Some more WIP for the Battle at the Farm, focusing on the Crimson Fists & Space Orks
The terrain can be seen here: Bultha's Rise, but seeing the models might help explain the terrain a bit!

Each piece contains a letter, designating the troop type, and a number, designating the squad or unit number. Commanders, or characters "C" are obviously independant characters, so in their case the numeral is just an identifier. The small arrow shows the direction facing, and the 'bar' is the firing arc.

This is the complete force for the Crimson Fists detatchment in the Battle of the Farm.

In the heat of the action, a Crimson Fist punches a Space Ork in the face. With a fist. This also highlights the use of colour to indicate which force the peice belongs to.

Overall I'm eschewing the usual wargaming tabletop look, to go for a user-interface of a space-combat command centre feel, a sort of 3D/2D cyberpunkish holographic-projection system. Heavily influenced by the explanatory diagrams in Rogue Trader (I'm using the same shapes and typography). Perhaps something you might see in an mid 80s scifi b-movie to show the high-tech military command satellite. At least that's the idea!


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Are those actual laser cut perspex, or just 3D renders? It's just like that Rogue Trader illustration with the assorted humanoids standing round the table. Very nice.

Zhu Bajie

Yes, they are perspex cut with lasers! I don't think you can get much more 80's retrofuturism than laserbeams and neon-perspex. I'm glad they look like they might be renders - as that's kind of the idea. I'm going to experiment with some ultraviolet lighting at some point well, which should react with the counters and paint.

Martin McKennas military commanders stood around the table from the Rogue Trader book was a big inspiration for doing this. Axiom owns the original of that BTW.


Wow, neat idea!

How detailed can you get with the laser? I'm imagining these with the little unit pictures from Adeptus Titanicus/Space Marine unit cards/lists, if that makes sense.

I'd love to see silhouettes cut out for tanks, too! Kind of like the mobs that make cut-outs for wrecked rhinos and so on for modern 40k.

Zhu Bajie

Ah, sorry mbh! Sold and dumped all my RT models a while back. Time to explore things differently ;)

Cheers Zoggin. Details can get really sharp, the little serifs on ITC Gothic (for it is she!) are quite crisp. I wanted to avoid visual representation and go for something entirely typographic, to match Chas' Rogue Trader diagrams. but the silhouettes on the Adeptus Titanicus / Space Marine army-list building tokens would definitely be achievable.

If we go for Skirmish on Rynns World, I've got some crashed vehicles to do for that, but they might be mount-board not laser-cut. Not sure yet!