[40k:RT] Battle at the Farm: Bultha's Rise

Zhu Bajie

Bultha's Rise is a hill on Rynns World, featuring in the scenario "Battle at the Farm" in the original Rogue Trader book.


Based on the contour-lines in the schematic (bottom left), the hill has 4 contour levels. I scanned in the schematic, scaled up so the building so it's internal walls fit a 25mm grid (which it does very nicely, btw), then traced off and slightly simplified the contours.

This was then printed out on A3 paper and used as a template to cut the hill out of 5mm foam board. The edges are not perfect, but that shouldn't matter too much at this stage.


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Looks goods, I wish all the best if you decide to sand all that foam to make it a proper hill but otherwise the plan seems perfect. Maybe during the making you will have an idea regarding how to make the orks succeed ;)


If it's foam board then I don't think it would be possible to sand it. I've been quite successful at chamfering the edges of foam board with a fresh scalpel blade. Perhaps you are going for the stepped look of the original anyway.


Hooray! This endeavour takes 'Battle at the Farm' to a new level! Looking forward to see what you achieve here :)


Scalene":31w4en1l said:
If it's foam board then I don't think it would be possible to sand it. I've been quite successful at chamfering the edges of foam board with a fresh scalpel blade. Perhaps you are going for the stepped look of the original anyway.

My bad, I mistook foamboard for polystyrene sheets, sanding and filing are out of the way :oops:
Since you already kept very sharp angles, you might just keep edges as they are or maybe just a simple elegant chamfering. I guess the finish all depends on if you're playing the game with fully painted models or cardboard markers ;)

Zhu Bajie

Cheers guys!

If I were to round it off, then it would be a case of in-filling the gaps, so the contours still mapped to the diagram as closely as possible :?

My intention is to keep the edges stepped and sharp, along with the angular representation of the contour, which should help with the gamey aspects . Might house-rule soft cover for 1 level difference over the rise, hard cover for 2, blocked for 3+ maybe automatic LOS based on 1+ level. The layers will also be kept separate so parts can be reconfigured for other locations.

Anyone know how foamboard takes spray-glue - does it eat the foam?

Jeff McC

Spray glue will attack the foam. Ordinary wood or white glue will give a strong bond between the layers and is pretty quick to apply.


Perhaps the stepped hill is produced by their farming techniques.

On a slight tangent, has anyone ever tried to track down the exact red and green aquarium plant in the photos. I've often looked hopefully in pet shops, but without success. I suspect they just aren't available now.

Zhu Bajie

Re: [40k:RT] Battle at the Farm: Jadeberry Orchard

Wireframe graffiti neon paint pen orchard is pretty much done.


Looks a bit more green in 'real life'. Also not sure if the line-weight over dominates the counters, but the Molotow 1mm nibs are a royal pain in the arse to keep flowing.

Zhu Bajie

The terraforming continues, top two contours of Bultha's Rise are complete, lower two to go:


  • terraforming.jpg
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Looks great, can't wait to see the battle report.

Did you finally add something on the sides of the foamboard to prevent it from being eaten by the sprays ? It looks like it but I just can't figure out what.

Zhu Bajie

I'm using a 25% water to 75% PVA glue mix to stick neon and black paper. to the foam-board core. The edge is quite fiddly, but it needs to be a 'box' type construction. Might do a step-by-step on the next contour.