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WFB3 3rd Edition Skaven

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition


Ah yes, I see.
Yep. It is. A Jezail is treated as a cannon for firing (see 3rd rule book page 110). The Jezail is listed as the first in the list of 'cannons'. For each additional 12" of range, reduce strength by 1.
so 0-12 = 6
13-25 = 5
26-36 = 4

pretty sure that was the case but had to double check.
I knew I had read that somewhere but didn't think to look under cannons.
Looked so many times in other places.

Thank you!!



yeah, it's a bit of a weird place but.. there you go.. 2 men (rat) crew, so.. kinda works as a portable cannon more then a blunderbus or the like but still.

no problem ^_^