2022 Legacy Crew discussion


So it's time to get this rolling and I thought I'd solicit suggestions. It's a sci-fi year this time. The last sci fi bunches were a bug cult, arbiters and gangers, and a pirate crew. Skull and Crown recently did a nice Hobbit in Space kickstarter, and Rogue Trader was originally the Lord of the Rings in Space. (Real working title as I understand it.) So a Fellowship of the Space Ring could be a fun idea. Alternately poncy space elves could be fun. Space frogs could be awesome, but it would be a bit more of a challenge. (Seeing as space frogs are rarer and often more pricey to acquire unless you want to sculpt or convert. I'd probably convert from fantasy myself.)

Pinning suggestions

Space elves
Space frogs
Space troll (or trolls)
Space A-team
Space Fellowship of the Ring
Sapace Ginyu Force

Am I missing anything?


Space elves might be easier than froggies…

Also testing out legacy 2021 logo in signature bar - v nice !


In the hope that I finally get back to painting after a couple of months off I might hop on board as part of the 2022 crew this year if that's okay. I'd be quite interested in space elves having never actually painted one, but I think I have the odd Eldar model in the lead pile...

Loose Loser

Space Frogs ( Slann? ) would be fantastic but I think not that reliable as Eldars. Space Troll? Since there are Ogryns, but no Trollyns :lol:


An A-team style group of troubleshooters might be able to have frogs, trolls, elves, ogres . . . That's a little like the pirate crew, but maybe there's a way to give it a different flavor. I'll start a poll next week once we have enough time for suggestions to roll in.


I like the A -team concept Space frogs would be great but pricey unless you convert which all od=f mine are. Happy to go with RT style space elf pirates(?). Bring on the voting.


Trying to make sure I have a complete list before I start the vote. I've put them in the first post in list form. Anyone have any additional suggestions?

Loose Loser

Count me in and since I got nothing, for me, anything goes :lol:

What are the rules miniature wise? I mean, does it has to be old lead or plastics and resin could go also if they're inside the spirit of aesthetics? Custom sculpted and similar?

EDIT : A-Team sounds great. Something like Ginyu Force, bad guys since A-Team is more like good guys if I recall with van and everything. Some sort of vehicle or mechanical open top tarantula walker class vehicle would be nice addition to the models? Flyer creature like that Discworld turtle or gigantic disc of Tzeentch or that sort.


I'll add Ginyu Force style mercs to the vote. Given the Tzeentch reference are you thinking Chaos style Ginyu Force space mercs?

The rules are pretty simple. It's basically a raffle. Everyone who wishes to participate submits one miniature on theme. It needn't be metal, so long as it fits the theme. I'll post up a vote this weekend. I usually leave it open for about two weeks to give everyone a chance to vote, since traffic here isn't always the fastest, but once the vote closes I'll post up a signup thread and take suggestions and votes in similar fashion on spot color, which is a color that should be featured somewhat prominently on the model to help unify the team. We usually solicit basing suggestions as well, though adhering to the spot color is more important, as bases are fairly easy to change if necessary.

Anyway, everyone will have the year to paint up and mail a miniature to a clearinghouse. Everyone who submits in time gets their name in a drawing to win the whole lot. (I need to pull a name out of a hat for the 2021 lot and then get them posted off to their new home.) In past years the crews have sometimes been as large as a couple dozen miniatures. 2021 was on the small side at five miniatures, I think it was. (And in a smaller group you do have a better chance of winning, so there is that.) They tend to be fairly fun miniatures and often quite well painted indeed. Nifty custom conversions are not at all unusual. Old lead is common, but again, not required. New miniatures of whatever material are fine, just so long as they fit the theme. Once it's well and truly picked we can figure out what's needed. For the A-team, for instance, we would need at least a leader, a face, a pilot, and a heavy, for instance. A genestealer cult kind of needs a magus and at least one purestrain. (We did that a couple of years ago.) But honestly things tend to be pretty flexible. This is all about fun.

twisted moon

Loose Loser":2d78qds2 said:
What are the rules miniature wise? I mean, does it has to be old lead or plastics and resin could go also if they're inside the spirit of aesthetics? Custom sculpted and similar?

from the first legacy challenge:

axiom":2d78qds2 said:
The project is an Oldhammer project, but that doesn't mean you need to donate a vintage Citadel model - if you have something that looks right from a modern range or alternative manufacturer, then that's all well and good!

which is basically what symphonic poet said.
if i find i have a suitable figure i'll take part, which means that a team or ginyu force (not that i have any idea what that is) are probably best for me.

Loose Loser

Ginyu Force or Ginyu Special Corps or similar ( depends on translation ) are from Dragon Ball series.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxYPL7R ... =PlayXbone

I was thinking of Tzeentch discs more of example of transportation. Since Ginyu is made of different races of warriors with special abilities, this force could include from space troll, renegade squat, space draw to pirate, mercenary psyker and they could use transportation like mechanical bio crawler or gigantic flyer, disc or similar. Ginyu are bad guys through and through.

I'll participate no matter what theme is and since I don't think I've got anything suitable ( or anything that I wont use ) I'll take missing part, what's left.
well if anyone has that wizard with a machine gun - I guess that would work.... what's a space hobbit? Lord of the Dyson Sphere


Bluey Zarzov":1s74r2i9 said:
well if anyone has that wizard with a machine gun - I guess that would work.... what's a space hobbit? Lord of the Dyson Sphere

A space hobbit is just a halfling, or "ratling." Citadel might even still produce ratling snipers. I figure their first ratling was a pretty clear Samwise reference, though I honestly think the Sam of the book should be perhaps the skinniest hobbit in the group. (They picked on Frodo that he'd gone a bit soft, but Sam was always out mowing the lawn and tending the hedges. By hand without power tools. That kid should be fit as a fiddle. Also carrying the heaviest pack, since he had the pots and pans.) Anyway, I'll assume the suggestions are closed and put up a survey.