1988 Rhino Scenario?


I asked this a few years ago on the Oldhammer FB group and got nothing but blank stares so here I go again.
I vividly recall reading a 40K scenario, and this must have been about '88 for reasons which will become clear. The jist of the scenario was: A broken down Rhino is stranded, in water as I recall. The crew are dead but there's an important device of some sort inside. Marines and Orks (I'm sure it was Orks) both have to capture and secure the Rhino. After a certain number of turns the water level rises too high and it becomes inaccessible, game over. Now I'm pretty sure the scenario was partially to advertise the new plastic Rhino kits, as there was a lot of talk alongside about how you might mod a Rhino to make it appear broken down - advice on cutting the tracks up into individual links for example. I remember thinking (as a penniless kid) what an indulgence it would be to buy a Rhino just to smash it up, but also what fun. All of which might make you think this was a White Dwarf piece, but can I find it anywhere?! The question is, where the heck did I read all this? It would be wonderful to find it again, as I'm sure there are details I've forgotten I think the whole thing might make a brilliant diorama (and it's easier to find a smashed Rhino than an intact one these days). I can't be the only one that remembers this?
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That was my era back in the day, does not ring any bells.
Though my memory is shaky. If not a WD could it have been in Chapter Approved or something like that?


That was my era back in the day, does not ring any bells.
Though my memory is shaky. If not a WD could it have been in Chapter Approved or something like that?
I wonder. It may have been less a fully-fledged scenario, maybe more an extended piece about the new Rhino kits. My WDs from that period are long gone. I can't think that it was in another publication as WD was really the only one I picked up. Hoping all this just jogs someone's memory!
Looking at what few WD's I do have, it seems the Rhino's came out around issue 103, so anything after that could be the thing you recall?


Looking at what few WD's I do have, it seems the Rhino's came out around issue 103, so anything after that could be the thing you
That makes sense time wise. You know I was 99% sure I hadn’t made this up but that’s fallen to about 90% now!
That makes sense time wise. You know I was 99% sure I hadn’t made this up but that’s fallen to about 90% now!

Stick with it, for about 20 years I had thought I had invented a cartoon show in my head, then a couple of year back someone else mentioned it online.
Keep the faith!!
I asked this a few years ago on the Oldhammer FB group and got nothing but blank stares so here I go again.
I vividly recall reading a 40K scenario, and this must have been about '88 for reasons which will become clear. The jist of the scenario was: A broken down Rhino is stranded, in water as I recall. The crew are dead but there's an important device of some sort inside. Marines and Orks (I'm sure it was Orks) both have to capture and secure the Rhino. After a certain number of turns the water level rises too high and it becomes inaccessible, game over. Now I'm pretty sure the scenario was partially to advertise the new plastic Rhino kits, as there was a lot of talk alongside about how you might mod a Rhino to make it appear broken down - advice on cutting the tracks up into individual links for example. I remember thinking (as a penniless kid) what an indulgence it would be to buy a Rhino just to smash it up, but also what fun. All of which might make you think this was a White Dwarf piece, but can I find it anywhere?! The question is, where the heck did I read all this? It would be wonderful to find it again, as I'm sure there are details I've forgotten I think the whole thing might make a brilliant diorama (and it's easier to find a smashed Rhino than an intact one these days). I can't be the only one that remembers this?
Must have been in some third party magazine. If it was in WD from that period, I would be aware of it.


Must have been in some third party magazine. If it was in WD from that period, I would be aware of it.
I’m not even sure what third party mags there were back then, but it’s a possibility. Maybe it was a thing just for the shop? I used to hang out in the original London shop all the time then. I remember doing their ‘design a space marine chapter’ competition when 40k launched. I didn’t win, but I still paint the chapter I created 38 years ago!
I’m not even sure what third party mags there were back then, but it’s a possibility. Maybe it was a thing just for the shop? I used to hang out in the original London shop all the time then. I remember doing their ‘design a space marine chapter’ competition when 40k launched. I didn’t win, but I still paint the chapter I created 38 years ago!
A GW store event was my first thought, but from your post it sounded like it was something written down. But then a store could have a brochure or something.


Not something I remember. I can have a look through WD around that period (I have 1-200, then a handful above 200), but I'd expect to remember it. I think the only scenario in Chapter Approved is Wolf Time, but I can have a quick look to just be sure.
My guess if it was something published is possibly a Mail Order flyer. Some of them had little bits and pieces of rules and extra lore and so forth on, thinking if they were pimping out the new kits.

Well if we can't find it - it sounds like a damn fine scenario and one we should create an awesome board to have at BOYL one year!


A GW store event was my first thought, but from your post it sounded like it was something written down. But then a store could have a brochure or something.
So many years have passed that I could see how I might have thought it was written down but it wasn't, so I guess perhaps that was the case. I know how these things can drift in your mind. But if it was a store event it was 1988 so it was THE store event, iyswim!
I don’t recall this either and had a browse through online WD indexes up to the issue started with to check…
It's kind of you to check. It's kind of everybody to dredge their memories and WD shelves.


Your scenario sounds very very similar to several that GW published at different times. "Get the plans before the other side does" is pretty classic stuff. The sixth "raid and capture" scenario from the RT plot generator is pretty much spot on, save that it's a ship that crashed in a swamp rather than a Rhino. (But it does suggest orks and humans and that mayhap the ship might be slowly sinking with interesting results.) The scenario White Dwarf used to sell the newly enbiggened Space Wolves and Goffs in WD 185 of 1993 is also quite similar, though the tank is a Predator. It was a pretty classic scenario and I can easily envision someone somewhere printed it with a sinking Rhino. Even if it wasn't in White Dwarf maybe a different magazine or newsletter published it. Keep the faith. It's out there. I'll keep my eyes open.