I got hold of most of these models about 10+ years ago, and I keep meaning to get the painted from the basic brown that they had. Well, as my gaming group has issues a "Tale Of War Gamers" challenge for March, I have 500pts of models to paint up. These ones at the first I started on, at the moment I've got with my favourite of Slapchop. So black basecoat, heavy light grey and then a lighter white drybrush, followed with copious amounts of contrast paint. Except the skin, which I've got with the old style of green skinned Elves, using Nurgle Green and 2 coats of Mortarion Grime Shade. Trying leave the darker area that drybrushing has revealed and only touching the higher.
Now that most of that has dried and I've added a layer of varnish in the form of Storm Shield so I can switch to adding layered details. First I've picked out the eyes of them and their mounts, along with just a simple silver on the weapons and wash.

Now that most of that has dried and I've added a layer of varnish in the form of Storm Shield so I can switch to adding layered details. First I've picked out the eyes of them and their mounts, along with just a simple silver on the weapons and wash.

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