1980s Titans x 6

Well with the renewed internet in Epic that has taken off recently; and the talk of a mass battle at Oldhammer day between Chico; Thantsants and myself it seems I need to speed up production and so I've started on these:


That's right; what you see there are six 1980s Titans (3 Warlords; 1 Reaver; 2 Warhounds). I've had these for a while but the up coming game had spurred me on to actually do something with them... I'll let you know how it goes!!!

There's more info on my Epic progress on my blog!


Balls, damn Easter Weekend! Postman hurry up and bring me my toys that I've got coming from all over the known world. So far in this arms race I've collected a few 2p to use as bases and that's about it heh.As always your DA's look great :) 6 titans? ugh scary!! Now where did I leave my keys to the Mega Gargant!

Temple Dog

I'm glad to see that there is a revival of interest in epic space marine. I have been building and collecting an ork army and space marine army here and there for last two years. I now have enough orks to field every clan and am just minus an assault company and a shed load of rhinos to field an entire chapter. Just need to get it all painted, although I have managed to paint a bad moon clan and cult of speed.


Legiocustodes":unlmty63 said:
Mwuhahahaha.... Now just to choose their weapons load outs....and paint them!!!

May I suggest magnets here or is this considered blasphemy? ;)

oh and please next time please give the beakies to yor GF so they can win, you just can't show us beakies losing against plastichammer on the oldhammer forum :lol: (unless you played them with T3 and a 4+ save).
Magnets.... The height of blasphemy :)

I would do but she seems to have grown quite a love for the boys in blue!! Ah the good old days when Marines were T3; power armour had a 4+ save and Space Marine captains could carry lascannons!!


Why do you hate me so much Whyyy? Now I hear my forgotten Epic armies whisper from the depths of the wardrobe...
epic is my favourite system, think this might just give me motivation to paint some more, doing mine as heresy era world eaters and some other chapters for space marine V1 and adeptus titanicus , but have 2nd ed rules also
Well after a tough day at work yesterday I decided to crack on with my new cohort of titans. After much deliberation I decided that they would be painted red like the old studio armies from 1990/1993 and so set about applying the red in layers.....whilst they would be based on those old classics I wanted to make the outcome a bit grittier in appearance.....


I based all the titans in Chaos black spray then started off with a few solid layers of Mephitson red which I then gradually blended with evil sunz scarlet, eventually highlighting with wild rider red. When this was dry I added a glaze of the new bloodletter.... I'm starting to regret this final layer as while the glaze certainly did emphasise the colours it did obscure some of my gradual layers of shading. Oh well .... Back to the work station!


Love the Titans! I've stripped all of mine and hopefully I'll at least get one of them painted in time! If we get enough Titans we could feasible also do a bit of Adeptus Titanicus as well. There's a company I can't find the link to who do a lovely card set of buildings and mats for £30 that would be great for a Titan battle. If I could only remember the company!!

There is a particularly, ahem, ungentlemanly Titan killer weapon combo you can do with Reavers but I'm not sure if you'll all constantly nut punch me if I bring that one with me. :grin:

Edit: It's the DropZone Commander ruined cityscape terrain


As a hint have a look at all of the things you can arm a Reaver with to massively up it's CAF. :) Oh and you'll need the same item on each arm.
Well today has been eventful. Whilst weight lifting I dropped a 20kg weight on my finger; this caused the nail to go black with excess blood.... So I broke out my amatuer apothecary kit; heated up a needle and paper clip and lanced them into my nail to release the pressure...the pain was excruciating and the amount of blood that poured out was really quite horrifying!! Unfortunately I had to push this burning hot metal into my smouldering flesh nine times to hit the full amount of swelling which was pretty emotional. Sadly this high tech medical procedure wasn't enough to deal with it and I had to go to Hospital for an X-Ray and to have another even larger hole drilled through the nail to expunge more blood....by the end of my visit I knew how a dying space marine feels when someone extracts his gene seed.

Anyway I still managed to fit in a little painting time; though it was hard to see clearly through the tears of agony!!!

I mainly focused on adding some yellow and black chevrons on different parts of the assorted titans carapaces! Simple; but time consuming due the amount of layers required to build up a solid base colour; the pigment in yellow paint is so translucent!

Here are the results....


Hope you enjoy.....


Ouch that sounds rather painful indeed, see exercise kills people! And sticking a red hot paperclip into your nails.. ugh You a Slaaneshi Cultist?
One of the questions Suber asked as part of my Liebster award was what part of the hobby do I like the least (I may have para-phrased that). At the time my answer was going to be GWs aggressive pricing policy and hard sale tactics; but I've reconsidered....

I've found something even worse; something that prolonged exposure to will drive you mad...what is this horror? You ask....

I'll tell you; I have found the most tedious activity in the entirety of the hobby....trying to neatly black out the carapace trim on the armour of six 1980s Titans. It is horrendously dull; and the slightest tremble of the hand leads to hours of repair work being required (especially if this mistake occurs near any areas of yellow chevroning). This task is made even worse when blood starts trickling down your fingers from an open wound in your hand (see previous post for explanation).

Anyway I have done it at last and now my Titans are now one small step closer to destroying Chicos; Thantsants and Bugs forces at Old Hammer day ;) ( just kidding lads!)


The Reaver was particularly hard to do with it's elaborate fleur-de-lys armour trim, the language that was emanating from my work station would have made a Commisar baulk!

I'll update you with any further progress as it takes place!!



Wow I applause you for batch painting titans at this rate of speed but you must be mad... I find it hard to batch paint 5 troopers (Or Epic stands) let alone 6 Titans without giving up.