17 Years Went By... My Rogue Trader Fanart, starting in 2008

So, I want to do a companion to the 40 years went by series I linked in my thread in the crowdfunding forum. I didn't want to put my fanart in it, for obvious reasons.

So, I pretty much discovered Rogue Trader in 2008. My folder with saved Rogue Trader images from the web starts on 20080322.

Here's my post about from late 2008, I think:

I started with WHFB. I've read a lot of WDs and some Felix & Gotrek novels and got interested in the whole Chaos stuff. Then I bought myself the old Champions of Chaos and the new Hordes of Chaos and my first box of Chaos warriors. I wanted to create a heavily converted Slaaneshi army with some sculpted miniatures. I carefully examined the new miniatures and I came to conclusion that they have very unnatural proportions and that I'm not willing to buy such caricature-style miniatures for so much money and that I don't want to sculpt such miniatures, so I gave up WHFB:grin:.

I still have a mega paint set and 3 blisters of greenstuff from those crazy times:lol:.

Meanwhile, I still bought WDs and WHMs and got more and more interested in WH40k, mainly because it had much more dakka than WHFB.

Also, I loved Bloodquest and Deamonifuge:grin:.

I lost all my interest in WHFB after the Storm of Chaos fiasco.

Then I had a long pause and I bought a single WD with a giant giant Ultramarine with two power fists. I didn't like it (both the new WD and the painting). While previous edition marines were big and heroic, now for some weird reason they needed to be more baroquegothiceldritch and even bigger and even more superheroic. I lost my interest in WH40k until the Horus Heresy series appeared.

I didn't read any of the new books until I finally got HR, but meanwhile I've read some internet articles about WH40k. I found those about the first edition especially interesting.

So, when I got a holiday job, I bought RT rulebook on an internet auction.

I loved it:grin:. I love the looks of characters and vehicles, especially the SM armour:grin:. Also, I found the idea of warp creatures much more fitting than fantasy daemons just as eldar pirates/mercenaries are much more fitting than fantasy elves. Even the angry midget bikers were cool:lol:.

Not to mention the marines being former gangers and "KIL KIL KIL":grin:.

It's very different - with a strong Vietnam movie vibe - like dark medieval fantasy meets Apocalypse Now in space:grin:.

It seems I forgot to mention the part where I could no longer afford WD after WD279 and WHM after WHM71. It seems I was very cheerful back then.
Ah, wrote some earlier history in a later post from 2008 or early 2009:
It was in 90s. I think 94 or 95, I saw an article about miniature wargames in a local newspaper. I instantly fell in love with miniatures of Elves and things like that.

Sadly, I didn't have money for miniatures, so I attempted to sculpt them. I didn't have access to internet back then and I didn't know that I need armature and green stuff, so I made a lot of errors.

I remember doing weird things like trying to carve miniatures from rough shapes in polymer clay. I still have some scars on my fingers from that time XD .

I got my first WD in 2000 (I was 16 then). I was collecting them until 2003.

I've bought my first WH book - Ignorant Armies in 2000. Then I've read first Gaunt's Ghosts book - it was nice, but not good enough to justify buying a second book. Then I bought 3 first Slayer books. Then I bought Gilead's Blood and after that I had a big pause with BL novels.

I was collecting WHM from 2000 to 2003 (I have most of issues from 36 to 71), until I ran out of money.

When new WHFB Chaos came out in 2002, I finally got enough money to afford playing Warhammer. I bought a box of Chaos Warriors, a sculpting tool, a blister of greenstuff and a Mega Paint Set. I wanted to make an obscene Slaaneshi army with a lot of conversions and scratchbuilt miniatures. My box of Chaos Warriors got wasted when I discovered that polymer clay that I used to pose them molten down the plactic and became integral part of figures. So, I continued learning to sculpt. Meanwhile I discovered a funny thing called proportion and I couldn't look at GW miniatures without cringing, so I got out of the modelling part of the hobby.

My first Rogue Trader fanarts. These are really bad:

Cover of the notebook with fanarts.

Space Marine on a medieval world.

I was a big fan of Night Lords. Around that time I also discovered Lord of the Night.

This page has calculations of monthly pay from the factory work. The daily pay was just 10GBP. Which was an insjustice, a crime. At work I was almost constantly thinking about how twisted, how unfair it is that my work, my lost time and suffering is being treated as so much worse than of my peers in UK. Humanity is a disgusting, wretched depraved species.


Some obvious 3rd ed influences.

This period is pretty much the end of the 1st part of 40 years went by. The sketches are contemporary with Rebel Worker and Electric Knight.

I have found a file with lots of sketches and drawings from 2009-2010 so I will be able to post more complete first year of advertisement junior college.
So this was the first year of Advertisement Junior College. I started it on 20080902, I think. I remember I missed some lessons, including first drawing classes where teacher announced she won't teach because it's too loud. I did a ton of sketches but not many finished drawings.
It's the period covered by 40 years went by, part II.

I assume these two are from the first semester of the school of the Advertisement School - from either 2008 or beginning of 2009:




Warrior from the Starts.

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In 200809 I started modding Epic 40,000: Final Liberation. I started working on a Rogue Trader mod for it.

It replaced Orks with human rebels and made many changes to units.

Imperial Guard Predators fighting against PDF Leman Russ tanks.

It shows Imperial Guard decimating population of an imperial planet after a hunger uprising caused by excessive tithes.
I used it as victory screen in the mod.
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Then in 200905 I lost interest in Wh40k and modding Final Liberation and came up with Mars 2050 because I wanted to explore the concept of extradimensional creatures that aren't demons. Also, I think I watched Event Horizon (1997) somewhere around that time?

Space Wolf
This one is from 20090630. So that was from the first month of summer holidays.
My interest in RT was revived after I encountered another RT fan on deviantart who was also a massive Wil Rees fan which inspired me to do more fanart.\
From my DA gallery comments:

Other fan 20090621
Respect to the old school Warhammer 40k.
Me 20090626

I discovered Rogue Trader about a year and a half ago after a long pause caused by buying a WD with a picture of giant Marneus Calgar on cover and seeing what happened to it after Pauls Sawyer left

It was pretty refreshing after all the absurdal over-the-top Epic GRIMDARK stuff from the later editions. Especially when it got completely ridiculous in 4th edition.

While it has some awesome concepts like the dark, gothic Imperium, psychotic super-soldiers, psychic predators from another dimensions, I have a growing dislike by some stuff like space orks, space elves (which first are related to humans but in later editions look like humans but are completely alien) and later space demons, space skeletons, etc.
This dislike started after I have discovered Rogue Trader.
While Rogue Trader made more sense than the later editions, I don't really like the pitiful excuses for aliens like Orks, Eldar, etc.

After some thinking, I decided to move on and and create my own setting - retro sci-fi mixed with lovecraftian horror.
Other fan 20090626
We must think the same? I like your retro sci-fi idea. Have you seen my Rouge Trader video on YouTube? Has info...
Me 20090628
I've seen it. I'm kinda surprised that there were people who were outraged by the atmosphere of Wh40k.
Other fan 2009062008
Don't know if you saw the new video I put on last night with mostly Wil Rees art:
Me 20090630
Awesome tribute

It made me want to start drawing some Wh40k stuff again

Though it's kinda sad to see that such awesome concepts were watered down by Games Workshop and will never come to life as the official Wh40k universe.

And thus I was returned to the fandom.

I think it was a sketch from that day: