15mm Rogue Trader Project


Back in June I went up to the Phalanx show in St Helens aiming to buy a bunch of Critical Mass Games 15mm "Arc Fleet Augments" and start a 15mm Rogue Trader project. I was even reading Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" on my Kindle while travelling up there on the train which seemed to be a curious case of synchronity (there's an passage in there whereby Earth sends up a load of crack troops to assault the rebellious Lunar colonies - the battle is in the tunnels and passageways of the domed city and the Earth forces get done over badly because they aren't used to moving the weak gravity of the Moon. It struck me as the sort of thing that 1987 vintage 40K was all about). I bought a big bag of little mans and rode the train home to the Great Mercian Post-Industrial Archology in (Imperium dating) 013 M43 with great plans.

And then I painted one, possibly on the same day I bought them and then sidelined the whole thing.

Last Sunday I was in Wilkinsons (UK household goods store) and found one of these


Which got me thinking about a 15mm sci-fi game in which these were armoured transports. This then brought to mind a guilty thought about a certain forgotten project...

...and as I was between projects having just finished off a starter set of Cryx for Warmachine I decided to drag it out of retirement.

A week later and I have the first Not-Space Marine squad painted.



Colour-wise, the chapter is this


The base colour is GW Khorne Red, washed with Army Painter Strong Tone Ink (this is quite clearly Devlan Mud rebottled) and two coats of gloss. Because I like gloss and when I was first buying the Dwarf, the first few 'Eavy Metal articles were full of John Blanche and Aly Morrison's figures and they were covered in great, thick coats of rock-hard gloss varnish. Nobody else likes gloss and it is massively out of fashion. But I don't care. I even like the tactile feel of gloss varnished figures when you pick them up.

As for the hovercraft, it looked a bit too small next to the Arc Fleet Augments to become a plausible APC. But it did remind me of the Galahad Light GEV from Steve Jackson Games' OGRE.


So I went back to the W40K-RT rulebook to look at the rules for Hover vehicles. The example Hover-er is the Land Speeder which wouldn't really fit as that is an open-topped vehicle that probably derives from the "air rafts" of Traveller and Laserburn (themselves descendants of Luke Skywalker's X-34 from Star Wars) but then I remembered this old favourite - the Grav-Attack!


That's a light Hover scout/attack tank thing so that gave me something to play with in a "count as" manner. Simple paint job, more gloss and this becomes the first of my Not-Grav-Attacks.


(I've since been on a trawl around every local supermarket toy section, two branches of Wilkinsons and two branches of TRU and can't find any more of these Amphi-Flyers :( This is somewhat hampering my dreams of a large scale Grav Attack assault appearing on a table in the Dudley area anytime soon).

This morning, my order from Ion Age arrived. Obviously what follows are their photos but as you can see these are 15mm versions of an old Alternative Armies range from the 1990s. I should be able to churn out three squads of CMG Arc Fleet Augments and then a load more of these;




They remind me very much of the original release of C100 Space Marines that had armour that had a bit more "greebling" that the later releases (i.e. the ones contempory to the original release of W40K-RT).

Another die-cast find are these Hot Wheels "Sky Knifes". A kind of futuristic helicopter/autogyro.


I'm in no real rush to do anything with these (which would probably only be a quick paint conversion) but long term plans are to field them as Orgus Flyers.


Currently on the painting table - varnishing and groundworking of Squad #2.

Rules-wise I'm not going to change any of the measurements in 40K. Many years ago I saw a 15mm sci-fi game at my local club in which the ranges, move distances and spacing between troops all looked quite similar to contempory 40K. It actually looked better than 28mm. Not the individual figures, but just the "density" of everything and looked a million times better than the rugby scrums with giant vehicles and seige guns that seems to represent the modern game. To my mind, 28mm figures are actually too big for 40K measurements.

(This isn't unique to 40K, WW2 ruleset Bolt Action has recently proven too be quite popular at my club and I have seen it played in 28mm and 20mm - the later looked far better and more realistic).

Obviously the 15mm weaponry doesn't match the real 40K stuff. A hand gun is a hand gun so there is no problem with assuming that the main sidearm carried by the CMG and Ion Age figures is a Bolter but it starts to fall apart when you get up to Heavy weapons. Actually I don't care. I'm tempted to use the random equipment generation and just assume that the big weapon is a "placeholder" for whatever Heavy weapon is randomly generated (Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun, Grenade Launcher etc.) and the medium/SAW-type is the other weapon (Flamer, Graviton Gun, Plasma Gun etc.). I might not even require these weapons to be identified to the enemy until they open up.

This is jus fantastic - matchbox hovercraft, mini copters, who knows what else?? I'm going to search high and low for more grav vehicles for you, i'm sure the wealth of $2 stores out here in the Aussie 'burbs will prove bountiful!


Looks fun. I've never branched out to other scales,
But I'll definitely be watching your project with interest.


Nice stuff, Coop! I started painting up 10 of the ion age chaps as Imperial Fists a while ago but decided I liked 28mm more so I dropped it before I finished the squad.


Sorry Captain Crook I owe you an apology for apparently ignoring your post!

I was under the impression that you were looking for yourself, I didn't realise you were trawling Oz on behalf of me! Feeling a bit mortified now...

Seriously mate, please don't put yourself out - if you see one I won't say no (of course :) ) but I can get them in the UK it's just that it involves expensive (rip off) postage. eBay would be running at about £5 for one compared with £1.25 in the shops - then again, the petrol has probably ended up costing me as much as just biting the bullet and ebaying them in the first place...




This 15mm project is awesome! That issue about scale and distances is quite an interesting point, I'm looking forward to see what you achieve there!
Coopdevil":xb0zr61j said:
I was under the impression that you were looking for yourself, I didn't realise you were trawling Oz on behalf of me! Feeling a bit mortified now...

Don't be silly, a good project is a joy for all! They are the sort of thing i see everywhere, until I actually want to find one... but don't worry, it's not a hassle looking, I... tend to go to the toy section of every shop first. It's a habit.


Got a second squad painted - another Tactical one.



Also started on the Ion Ages figures that arrived recently. This is the Prydian Army "Balthazar" figure which is destined to be a Space Marine Captain ("Company Captain" of Minor Hero level according to the lists in Chapter Approved - The Book of the Astronomican). There is something really funkily "Laserburn" about this casting, it looks wonderfully 1970s.



What's the least useful in the Ion Age Prydian range? A casualty figure? Yep,so that's what ended up being painted first.


I'm not sure why but the lighting or something has washed out all of the Army Painter Strong Tone Ink (this is Devlan Mud rebottled and cheaper than when GW sold it) on the bolt gun but I assure you it is there. Ex-Brother Marine here was only painted as a test shot anyway.

On a trawl through ancient White Dwarfs I found this advert for the old Mark Copplestone Rhino Marines


(Is it just me that's noticed or did Mark Copplestone - a sculptor whose work I normally really like - always struggle with Mk6 beakie helmets? A lot of his Marines were bare-headed and those that weren't had really proportionally odd helmets. I suspect he did so many bare heads because he couldn't copy Naismith's original design closely enough).

Seeing this reminded me of the original Rhino article in WD with all those wacky camo schemes (such as "cobalt desert" and the like). I think the project needs a vehicle done in this three-colour camo.

There's a Devastator squad on the painting table at present and then that will be the last of the CMG Arc Fleet Not-Marines. The Ion Age Marines are to follow including some pre-Sisters of Battle Ladymarines...

Force Size - this currently sits as 2 tactical squads, a Minor Hero and a Grav-Attack. While I'm no fan of points value-led gaming I have dragged out Chapter Approved in order to get a rough ballpark figure, although bearing in mind that as I'm going to randomly generate weapons the points values are all a bit +/- on the original totals.

Tactical Squad A - 213 points
Tactical Squad B - 213 points
Company Captain (Minor Hero) - 87 points
Grav Attack with two Bolt Guns and a turreted Multi-Laser - 248 points
Total - 761.

A second Grav-Attack would take that to 1009 points which seems a very nice round figure for one player's force. The Devastator squad ("Thunderers" in Chapter Approved-speak) will provide an extra 320 points.

A couple of entries in that army list have no modern equivalents - the first is the "Missile Squad", an upgrade to the Tactical Squad to replace a flamer with a Missile Launcher (making for a squad with two heavy weapons, a sort of halfway house between Tactical and Devastator) for an extra 53 points. There is also something called a "Recon Squad", this is a tactical squad that replaces its heavy weapon for a lighter support weapon and adds smoke grenades and the energy and bio scanner needed to detect hidden troops. I'm thinking that this would be a good opportunity for some Old School Marine camoflague - this scheme would tie in nicely with the rest of the force if done in the same Citadel Colour Khorne Red/Coat D'Arms Desert Sand combination.


I'm also on the lookout for some hooded, robed and staff-carrying 15mm figures to get green paintjobs as Astropaths. No luck yet.



I'm afraid I can't give you a hand looking for minis, but I totally encourage you to endure and keep on bringing us this project! That's absolutely great!!

Zhu Bajie

Nice project. I'll keep an eye out for hovercraft...

Hows this for an astropath?


Splintered Light minis Wood Elf Personality, might need a bit of GS work on the hair to turn it into a hood, but I reckon he's 99% there.


Cheers Zhu I will bear that one in mind. Another potential Astropath might be the guy on the right here from East Riding Miniatures. He appears to have some skulls cast on him but SKULLZ on SKULLZ is somewhat de rigeur for 40K so I think he might get away with it.


Over in the Ancients wargaming scene, Xyston do a pack of Rabbis for the Jewish Revolt.


Second chap from the left might do. Rightmost figure with the scroll could be useful as well.



Arrrrgh! There was a stall with a load of Xyston 15mm at the Alumwell show in Wolverhampton today but no Jewish Revolt figures, hence they didn't have that rabbi pack. Still, I cheered myself up by finding a copy of Ratspike for sale.




While I started painting a Blood Drinkers Space Marine force I have been thinking that really I should be doing a Rogue Trader's force with the BDs being the Marines assigned to him and his mission. This gives me a far bit more flexibility as regards designing Imperium forces.

So here is Rogue Trader Hejj Phund, Master of the voidship The Invisible Hand of Adamus Faber. He's the Zinn Envoy figure from Ion Age that was the limited release freebie for orders during February.


(Phund has no groundworking yet because Coop Towers has the builders in and stuff got put away. Builders painted around the front door handle today and didn't put up a wet paint sign. Coop is not happy).

Phund is pictured here in his "diplomatic" garb for social occasions in which he is merely protected by an assortment of Refractor and Displacer fields and only lightly packing heat in the form of a few Jokaero Digital Weapons disguised as signet rings and the odd Vortex grenade in his wallet (grenades are coin-sized in RT).

And Phund accompanied here by his bodyguard, Brother-Captain Zenn Zybyl of the Field Police.


Also ready for a daubing of Citadel Colour Khorne Red are the following (as yet unnamed) squad, all of which are Ion Age Prydians.


On the subject of 15mm.co.uk, they have remastered the old Laserburn Glaive APC - clearly a variant upon the standard RH1N0 design discovered in an ancient and dusty Standard Template Construction system. Want.


Also on the want list - Khurasan's "Brunt" from their new "Cult of Andromeda". Declared a mutant variant of the abhuman breed commonly known as "Ogryn", this particular sub-strain has been dubbed "Rhox" by Imperial Xenobiologists. Imperial Army staff are keen to field these abhumans in the same battlefield role as Ogryn Sergeants.




A quick and dirty repaint and rebase of a Heroclix figure (Detroit Steel) which was given to me by a mate as being suitable for 15mm Rouge Trader - the fact that it had just performed very badly for him in a Heroclix competition obviously had nothing to do with it...


Since it was free I used it as as test shot for a teal-and-yellow colour scheme I am considering for a future Cygnar force (Warmachine).


Christened "BIG JOBS!" after the catchphrase of The ABC Warriors' Mek-Quake.


Big Jobs! will take the field as a Giant Robot under RT rules.



Firstly, I had a slight diversion recently into Rogue Trader in 28mm - it'll never catch on...


On the grounds that I can't find any more Matchbox Amphi-Flyers Captain Crooks has sent me four from Oz. While I'm still waiting on these (they might be at the post office - I have a delivery slip for an international parcel but am waiting on another two before braving the traffic over there in the morning rush hour) I typically of course then find another one in a local Tesco. So quick paint job later and then were two proxy Grav-Attacks!



The inspiration for this was the "Codex Grey" Rhino here in WD103 which, by coincidence, turned out to be from the same chapter that I am painting up.


Also, here's a test shot for some "Lady Marines" from Ion Age. Power Armoured human with Heavy Bolter.


Sisters of Battle? I have no idea what you are talking about. This is clearly inspired by Sister Sin, assassin of the Rainbow Warriors.

