
  1. KingOfTheLeadPile

    90's inspired 40,000 terrain

    I started to build me a new terrain set for SiFi games (40,000, Star Wars, ...). With much of the stuff I want to have it look similar to the terrain I grew up with in the pages of White Dwarf, and which I alway wanted to have myself, but somehow never got around to building myself. I do not try...
  2. Eric

    World Building

    Thread Contents Windmill Barn Graves Barriers & Walls SciFi Windtraps Processing Plant Ponds Ruined Cathedral Cargo Containers Black Cauldron Outpost Vents Orc Totem Craters Barrel Barrier Wizard's Tower Outhouse Ruined Inn Fuel Dump Watch Tower Beacon Tower Gothic Ruins Crashed Flyer Fuel...
  3. Decent sized trees

    For those of you still visiting shops you might want to pop into Poundland. For £5 you can get a huge tree 13-13.5 inches tall, they are sold as "Bonsai" and come in a pot, just pull from pot and base to taste. There were three types when i went so i chose the one that looked most like a tree to...
  4. Mophus

    Old GW trees [solved: Manufacturer was/is K&M]

    Hello, I'm looking for trees, which look like the old GW one's: Does anybody know a shop where similar trees are offered?