rose tinted glasses

  1. MichaelStockin

    The Death of Story Telling?

    I was wondering what about 3rd edition leant it to more narrative/story RPG based games compared to 4th onward. I mean other than the obvious inclusion of a GM. I think when 4th made the default d6 roll to hit a 4+ rather than a 5+, it was clear they were trying to speed the gameplay up. Have a...
  2. So why the attachment to older games?

    Hi guys, I was wondering why many of us are here and why are hearts are in older games. . . Is it reliving the initial excitement of first playing? The direction modern games have taken? Because it would seem like the variety is better now across multiple manufacturers than ever has been...
  3. wolfden76

    How did you become a Warhammerer?

    Just interesting to me, I found Warhammer in 1988 I was 12, my family had just moved from Parkes NSW Australia to Emu Plains NSW Australia because of my mum's work. It was school holidays and I didn't know anybody in Emu Plains so just sat around the house waiting for the Basketball season to...