
  1. Loose Loser

    ROC recast? help

    Me again with possible recasts. Bought them recently. Few are more then questionable. Since these are first RoC ( I think ) I don't have anything to compare with except photos on net. Maybe here someone got them to compare whit these. Thank you, I don't think this one is recast To...
  2. Loose Loser


    I have more then few that I think are recasts. I bought this one some time ago and few chaps told me he might be a recast. I have read in Warhammer 3rd rulebook advice from author that you should look and buy the best looking with crisp details hehe so this might be original. Few things that...
  3. recast spotting ... 1982532278 ... 1994412646 and what definitely gives it away... ... 2000561346 not quite as terrible casts as the mcdeath mini that went round a while back, but those...