paint stripping

  1. chrisgoodone

    Best Strippah!

    Hi all. During my rekindled love of collecting and painting Oldhammer, I've made some cute purchases and stripped a few more than a few old lead minis. I tried a heap of dangerous, smelly or highly flammable stuff... and now (on my mate Dan's tip-off) I've found 'the stuff' that works for me -...
  2. portman

    Stripping paint from old minis

    Hi guys, I've been buying a few old miniatures and games from ebay recently, and one of the things I've come across is the occasional miniature that's already been painted. This must be an occupational hazard of collecting old miniatures, so I was wondering what you guys use to strip paint...
  3. Stripping Miniatures

    I have some C01 Chaos Fighters which I would like to strip. Normally I use Diall (B&Q) Paint & Varnish Remover for this purpose, but I'm sure I read somewhere that with very old lead harsh strippers can damage the metal. Is this true? I'm not overly keen on using Dettol because it stinks the...
  4. Stripping Figures

    For years I have always used paint stripper on metal figures and break fluid on plastics. Both are very messy, gloopy and a pain to clean up afterwards! Anyone got any other techniques they use and that go down the plug hole a little easier!!? I've heard some people mention they just use white...
  5. Ultra sonic paint stripper

    Soooo some guys over at another forum use these ultra sonic cleaners and say the work hella good , but they mainly use them on newer miniatures with greensoap. Do you think they would work on older lead ? ... er-hb2818b just a reference link .
  6. Experiences stripping paint from minis

    I figure that on a forum largely about vintage figures, this is a subject many will have an opinion on... What is your favourite way to strip paint from metal models? Does it depend on the model in question? Let me give you some backstory for why I am asking this. A bunch of eBay lots I’ve...
  7. [Adeptus Titanicus] Stripping expanded polystyrene buildings

    I've pulled out my Adeptus Titanicus box out of the loft and am in the process of prepping in (Titans in the dunk tank, book and white dwarf clippings in the book-press) possibly for sale, not sure yet. Anyway, the set includes some buildings like this: (ebay picture, not mine). But mine...
  8. Thehermit


    Not stripped for a few years (just not got the body i used to..) So how are we doing it these days, if i remember rightly i used to use brake fluid? Cheers Steve