
  1. EricF

    The Lost and the Damned

    Right a thread for my chaotic and more monster-like stuff is long overdue and to kick it off lets start with what has only taken something like thirty five years to get across my painting table, some Dungeon Crawlers from Scotia Grendel that were mentioned back in this post. I'm still...
  2. EricF

    'ere we go!

    Right ho, time for a space for my orcs, probably just those with a c, those with a k can go over on my The Age of the Imperium thread. Well I used to collect orcs and goblins back in the day and had quite a substantial 4th edition army. My brother has the majority of it. Anyhow he recently...
  3. EricF

    The Age of the Imperium

    So I thought I'd start a thread for my 40K stuff that has finally seen hours of effort put into coat of paint, and thereby devaluating it massively (but how could I ever part with those classic models) :) First up we have some Squats. These are the classic plastic ones (RTB10) that I got hold...
  4. EricF


    Just finished up my plague cart. It's a model I'd wanted for a long time and finally managed to get at a not crazy price. I spent a long time debating how to paint it, having seen a few great ethereal ones, but settled on a basic traditional scheme to just get it done and match my other...