Greetings, new to the forum and somewhat new to the community, having really gotten into RT and WHFB 3e in the past year. I'm fortunate enough to be expecting to be coming to BOYL the next time it's happening. As I've never been before, how many people tend to bring 3rd Ed WHFB? Are the tables...
Following exchanges here and elsewhere, I'm looking to run games of Space Fleet and something else (to be decided), other than WFB. So to show willing, here's my initial efforts of splashing a little paint over a few figures and models - first edition RT7 dreadnoughts, RTB9 Terminators and C100...
I'm planning to do a game for six or so players set in a castle in the Empire. The castle's inhabitants are woken up by Skaven pouring out of every cellar and grating. Men-at-arms, cooks, blacksmiths grab whatever is to hand and try to defend themselves - a sort of zombie apocalypse theme but...
Looking for a game for next year, not sure, I want to do fantasy again, looking more to 40K as I've a number of half finished projects I'd like to progress - such as Space Fleet, Rogue trader - anybody?
Paul / Golgfag1
The fall of Helsreach, BOYL 2023 (Saturday)
Let me tell you about the fall of Helsreach.
I had been mayor of the town for a good year after ousting the alien usurper.
My boys, the Heavy Metal Hatched Headz, had become used to town life and all was good.
The coffers of the town were filled...
This post is an introduction to the model /Diarama I made for Bringoutyourlead 2023. I started it back in April or May of 2023 but then my mother's illness interrupted the process as I had more important things to attend to. Sadly, She passed away in June of this year and to be honest, I came...
Blog: Warhammer For Adults
Owner: Weazil
Author: Weazil the Wise
Post: Bring Out Your Lead! 2014
The Oldhammer community are pleased to officially announce Oldhammer - Bring Out Your Lead! (2014). Of course, you've heard about it already. But this is the official announcement, so now you can...
On this BOYL I played an awesome game of Helsreach hosted by Curtis Fell of Ramshackle Games, using his awesome terrain and our own miniatures. Here is a report from mostly my perspective.
The table before setup, the gate features promimently. Before it lies the wasteland with an outlaw...
In the US and since I can't travel, I found out about the BOYL 2022 figure from the Facebook group...
Looks like he's based on that shifty guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I know it's event exclusive, but are there any spares and if so, who would I contact for one?
I originally posted this on the Oldhammer Facebook group, so it feels a bit odd joining a forum again. But here goes:
Bring Out Your Lead 2019. I need to start planning for this, as I'm hoping to come along this year, as normally I go to Thrudbowl. But again this year it's clashing with BOYL...