Realm of .. confusion


Cause I'm a total idiot.. Kinda looking to do up a Demon Lord as a Patron from Realms of Chaos.. I'm kinda cheating a bit on with it.. just a bit ^_^ and some of the work is pre-done but... . I can't remember if ROC was kinda 2E or 3E and either way.. I don't enough to work out things like Points cost.. any one got much of a clue on using these? I'm trying to do up my armies for 3/4 rules as 4th I'm more familiar with.


I knew it was the one or the other ^_^

I can see the points cost stuff for Nurgle and Tzeentch but.. It would be an independent demon prince If I follow this right, as it's a Champion who has risen to becoming an independent demon in his own right.. can't see the points for the demon itself.. (though has he full stats.. most of which.. yeah, can mostly just use the same stats ^_^)
"Becoming a Daemon", Slaves to Darkness, p. 53 details what happens when a champion becomes a Daemon prince as result of The Eye of God reward; but provides no points costs.

"Points Values and Followers of Chaos", StD p. 63; more specifically "Daemon Princes", p 64 provide the points calculation method.
This is based on the number of rewards.

So either you choose a base profile and the rewards (including a final Eye of God) that make the Daemon prince like you want him and calculate the points cost from there,


you completely create him randomly, re-rolling all chaos spawn results - the way it is meant to be ;)


^_^ I'm going with a pre-made Prince, but giving him a Champion which will be random, and a warband to act as an ally's unit, which again will be random.

The guy I have in mind for the pre-made.. well, I'm not saying right now but it's very connected.. I was gonna kitbash a figure cause there was never one for him as it was more an example guy, BUT.. while looking for a couple of parts to finish what I had in mind, I found a figure that was just SOO perfect.. then I noticed the name... and there is a good reason he is SOO perfect ^_^

That's one problem with them cutting up RoC into 3 books (of which 2 were released).. stuff is all over the place.

Lets try to work out this this points.. A Champion of Chaos has the base price of 60.. but he began (stat wise atleast) as a Level 5 Hero which would have had the points value of 28.. I'll go with the 60 to be on the safe size.. + 30 for each reward.. well.. He doesn't seam to have any rewards. He does have 5 Chaos Attributes which appear to be free. Also has a Chaos Weapon (with 2 Properties) and Chaos Armour.. but theses are included in there points... I think.. Okay, I know the word subsumed means included but boy, they wanted to be fancy so.. 60 points.. now that is tripled so that's 180...
mm.. erm.. 180pts for a pretty strong Dæmon Prince seams.. a bit small.. more so as he can give rewards to his champion but.. oh well
I tend to disagree :) But might be reading the book wrongly.

A Champion of Chaos has the base price of 60.. but he began (stat wise atleast) as a Level 5 Hero which would have had the points value of 28.

That does not matter, whether basic human or level 25 dark elf, or...

Slaves to Darkness - p. 63 said:
The points value of a Champion of Chaos is not directly related to his powers. Instead, it is determined by the number of rewards he has received.

So to my understanding you always start at 60.

+ 30 for each reward.. well.. He doesn't seam to have any rewards. He does have 5 Chaos Attributes which appear to be free. Also has a Chaos Weapon (with 2 Properties) and Chaos Armour.. but theses are included in there points... I think..

Not to my understanding. When you follow the "Road to Power" rules, you start with whichever profile you roll up; no equipment, no chaos attributes, no nothing.

Then the fresh champion receives one chaos attribute and one chaos gift (e.g. Khorne = suit of Chaos Armour).

So this would already be 60 + 30 + 30.

Then you gain rewards via the Chaos Rewards Table, Lost and the Damned p. 45.
  • 01-40 = Chaos Attribute
  • [...]
  • 49-53 = Chaos Armour
  • [...]
  • 91,00 = Eye of God, can result in Chaos Weapon

So if your Champion has 5 Chaos Attributes, a chaos weapon and chaos armour, in my book you are at:

60 + 5*30 + 30 + 30 = 270
Tripled for Daemon Prince = 810

As I said, I might be wrong, but that is how I read the rules.


As the Dæmon is pre-created It was a bit confusing ^_^. He has 5 Chaos Attributes listed, but no rewards.. which kinda looks like would have been impossible to be anything but a Chaos Spawn at that point.. So.. Attribute comes under reward.. okay, I can get behind that.. I wasn't 100% sure on the chaos armour value because there was a bit about the armour being included, but I'm willing to go with your working out as I expect you have FAR more experience with this then me ^_^ and the 810pts does sound far more like it.

I'll see about scratch building a champion tomorrow.. well, rolling for it and then seeing what I got to kit-bash together ^_^