Citadel Blister Card Artwork?

Although I'm not in any way interested in becoming the sort of person that keeps things, unused, in their original packaging, I'm a big fan of the artwork behind the blister packs. There was a whole range of them throughout the 80s and into the mid 90s or so. It was a sad day when they went over to more generic WFB and 40k packs.

So, out of interest, has anyone catalogued them fully, or indeed are there any resources showing hi-res scans of the different blister backing cards anywhere? I quite fancy making some artwork using them, but I don't really want to have to buy a bunch of originals just to scan in.

I know there are some photos on the CCM wiki, but most are quite low-res, and flash photos rather than scans, so not ideal.

Anyway, here's a great example of a John Blanche Undead-Dark Elf-Lustria-Chaos Triptych set:

Not that I’m aware of. Actually, it’s news to me that some formed a larger scene. Citadel did have form for such things e.g. the BDD Dungeon Adventurers & Monsters boxed sets and the BC Adventurers & Monsters ones.


Love the triptych. I remember those card backs fondly. I came across a small stack of blister backing cards today whilst rummaging, I may have some more or better examples that might yet turn up. Many of these were stuck together by my youthful self so apologies for the glue on the right hand sides and inevitable tearing. Anyhow I thought you might like a few scans for posterity and to bring back some memories.



And the back as an example of a typical back





By this point I think the decline of the blister had set in, the artwork for Epic was far less exciting and of course eventually GW lost the pictures completely.


Since it was with the blisters here is the backing card from the paint brush set


And again since they were with them some other blisters from Grendel and Harlequin. Far less exciting than the GW ones. Still wondering what was in the Grendel one - Dungeon something?



Loose Loser

One better than the other. Even they look generic, but banner logo on 90s blisters looking great, Gorkamorka blisters tops all of those 90s. Even saw Lizardmen Slann in 4 connected blisters, I think that looked neat.
Those are fantastic mate, thanks! Proper nostalgia there, most of those were in use during my era of working there. I wish I'd grabbed a handful of each type back then, but you just don't think about stuff like that when there are shiny toys on offer! :lol:

EricF":300uf8be said:
Still wondering what was in the Grendel one - Dungeon something?

I can answer this one for you though, 10031 Dungeon Crawlers, they're actually still available!



Thank you! Those little beasts are sat on the shelf just next to me fairly recently primed and awaiting some paint! If anyone wants some they can be found here

Hoping to find some time to get back into painting soon, been a couple of months :(


Since I'd snapped them for another thread I thought I might post the DrastikPlastik blister here, alas you can't see all the art because those pesky miniatures are in the way!



And since it was sitting alongside I took a quick snap of my oldest unopened "blister", which is old enough not to be a blister.


Somewhat minimal artwork back then!


This was the first style of Citadel blisters that I remember are classic plain blue.

I will open and paint this one eventually!
Those are the first ones I remember too. A seemingly random assortment on a spinning stand in a toy shop in Otley and rack upon rack of them in the basement of the Virgin Megastore in Leeds. Happy days :grin:


Quick followup since I came across some more battered old blisters in my trawl that unearthed some old EPIC terrain. Sorry not the greatest scans - should have put something down on the scanner lid to get them flatter.





And then we reach the point where GW really couldn't be bothered printing pictures...


Loose Loser

Few weeks ago I saw ( on internet of all things ) for the first time Epic blister like this. This is picture from web. Not that much about card art theme but I think it looks pretty neat.
