2025 Legacy Crew Signup: Market Day


You walk through a brightly colored fabric gateway onto a square festooned with tents, tables, firepits, flags, loud with music and shouting, people moving everywhere. Above the din you hear a melodious baritone voice rolling over the crowd.

"Welcome one and all to the Legacy Market on the Old Hammer's Green! There's a bonanza of curiosities and treasures for every taste and budget. There are goods from far off Lustria and Araby, and look, every merchant for miles is here! There's Flying carpets, charming snakes, dragon root, lychy fruit . . . There's a Whitsun Morris dance this night and the minstrels from Altdorf, Marienburg, and even Pavona are playing all day. Test your strength against the ogre! Test your wits against the mage! Can you eat more sticky buns than the halfling? Whatever your pleasure you can find it here on this Market Day!"

. . . . .

So this is where you sign up. Add your name and the miniature you want to contribute. If you know you want to join in, but you're still looking for inspiration I'm happy to put a TBD by your name. Mail your contribution to the annual rallying point, which . . . we'll work out soon. (Might be me. Might be a member in the UK or EU if that works out better.) At the beginning of 2026 we'll hold a drawing, and the lucky sod who's number comes up gets the whole lot! All for funsies. Add your name and plan in a comment and I'll edit this post to keep it current. One further piece of information: no matter the size or number of entries, every contestant has the same chance to win. Multiple and large submissions are lovely, but unless we want to change the rules this year it's one ticket to a customer.


symphonicpoet - a minstrel? (probably) or maybe a cutpurse.
epicsatsuma - Ronald the Farter/thug musician
MichaelStockin - Verena Jaeger (Die Jägermeisterin?)
Citizen Sade - NED!!!
Sleepysod - TBD
Geroak II - card sharp and pickpocket
Slave to Darkness - beggar Walt Dabney, inventor of the inverted firkin
sewers.of.estark - seated wizard telling fortunes in a box
popevaderii - harfling
Brother Meredith - potion seller
inchmurrin - TBD
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Geroak II

Love the little introduction you wrote for this year's theme, symphonicpoet!

If my conversions work out as I hope they will, I'll be painting a duo of scoundrels; A card sharp and his buddy, whose job is to stealthily pickpocket
anyone who somehow manages to win a game. Whether it's by cheating at cards or pickpocketing, fool and his money will go separate ways.


All right then! This is going to be a dangerous little fair with all these thugs and card sharps wandering about. Maybe it'll be a shark eat shark sort of event. Looking forward to it all. And I should emphasize that two entries, while lovely and generous, still only get you one draw. (I put that in the top post to make it clearer.) We could have a discussion about changing the rules, but that's historically the way we've done it.

Good luck everyone, and I bet this will be a lovely year! :)

Geroak II

And I should emphasize that two entries, while lovely and generous, still only get you one draw.
Just as it should be. Personally I'm taking part for the fun of it anyway, not to win. Pickpocket was an addition I came up with after the idea of card sharp. Even the best swindler can be beaten, so these two take no chances of losing any money to some country bumpkins at the fair!
'Story first' is my thought process for wanting to participate with two minis this time.
For pickpocket I'll be painting one of those mid 80s halflings and, as it's one tiny miniature, there shouldn't be too much of an extra effort for me to get it done as well.


Count me in....not sure what I`ll do, will dig around my leadpile later :)

Ok I've decieded...it`ll be a harfling of some type...
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Geroak II

I realized converting can't be fully done before painting, so here's a pre-converting pic of what I'm entering with:

Dwarf & 'alfling.jpg

Here’s my plan - I’m going to paint the bastard up and build a tiny case for him to sit in and tell fortunes.
That seems personal... what did this poor mini do to deserve fate of being imprisoned in a tiny booth till lead rot sets it free?! :lol:
Verena Jaeger

fraulein jaeger.jpg

No idea where this model came from and it was clearly moulded from a 3d printed master as there are clear striation lines on it.
If after painting the lines are too visible I will find something else to enter.


Verena Jaeger

View attachment 12325

No idea where this model came from and it was clearly moulded from a 3d printed master as there are clear striation lines on it.
If after painting the lines are too visible I will find something else to enter.
just Gently file it and it'll be good. that and most 3D prints like that are normally fine after a primer and then coating as the layer lines aren't normally that deep. Depending on the res of the printer.

I'm kinda leaning towards saying tangent Miniatures as they do alot like that